BTEC skills

Book cover - Science BTEC, applied and vocational courses: key skills & knowledge booster

Science BTEC, applied and vocational courses: key skills & knowledge booster

Victoria Stutt, Harjit K Singh and Spencer Senior
2014 | 188pp | £69 (PB & CD)
ISBN 9781781476215

Changes to the BTEC assessment regime from September 2014 make it increasingly important to quickly develop student’s skills so they can successfully tackle independent assignments.

The authors of this resource pack identify the skill and conceptual gaps that usually exist for learners progressing from level two to level three. They attempt to address these needs through activities and tasks across three main areas: key numeracy and literacy skills, practical scientific skills, and scientific concepts.

Steven Beesley reviews BTEC, applied and vocational courses: key skills & knowledge booster

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