Editorial - Celebrating the past and the future

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50 years on - Education in Chemistry continues to lead the way

This is a very special issue of Education in Chemistry as it marks the beginning of our 50th anniversary and a year of celebrations. We set the ball rolling with a fresh, bright, newly redesigned magazine, which I hope you will like. During the year we will see new articles and launch a brand new dynamic website. I will also share some of the golden nuggets of content from early volumes of EiC, so you can compare and contrast teaching in the 1960s with the techniques and methods we use in classes and labs today. You can find out more about this and how EiC was founded. In the article New Journal for Chemistry Teachers.

 We switch between the old and the new in this issue. As Education in Chemistry is celebrating 50 years of supporting innovation and best practice in chemistry teaching, we have an interesting feature that looks at the key drivers responsible for changes to the chemistry curriculum over the decades. We then move to the cutting edge of innovative teaching practice. Simon Bates and Ross Galloway explain how engaging students in developing their own high quality assessments can make a proven contribution to their learning and understanding. I am quite sure this idea would have completely horrified teachers of 50 years ago!

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A photograph of a teacher standing in a white lab coat, speaking with a class of children in a laboratory, is superimposed on a colourful background. Text reads "Teach Chemistry means support for classroom and staff room".

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