High school students with pens and paper looking at balls of play dough laid out in the shape of an atom

Model atomic structure with playdough


Engage your learners with these fun, tactile ideas and models

A stack of jam sandwiches

A sweet solution to extended questions


Motivate learners to structure their answers for full marks

An illustration of a pencil taking notes growing into a tree with graphene in its shadow

5 ways to use structure strips to scaffold learning


Boost your students’ ability to digest topics and write independently with these margin-sized prompts

A series of keys with general knowledge and chemistry icons

Escape the classroom: and revise chemistry knowledge


Challenge your students to break out of the lab and prepare for exams

A female engineer inspects a turbine in a nuclear power plant

7 ways to fuel curiosity in science careers


Help foster the next generation of scientists by linking teaching topics to real-world events and career pathways

A teacher interacting with a robot on a screen who has written a question given four optional answers about the standard formula of alkanes

Use AI to successfully assess students’ understanding


Discover how to quickly and effectively generate multiple choice questions on key chemistry topics

An old wooden molecule modeling set

5 ways to successfully teach structure and bonding at 14–16


Strengthen students’ grasp of the abstract so they master this tricky topic and effectively tackle exam questions

A cartoon of a small woman sitting on a giant laptop interacting online with a bot

Reduce your workload with ChatGPT


Use these tried-and-tested tips to save time and boost your teaching practice

An illustration showing a computer loading symbol around a head that features atomic structures getting more complex

5 ways to teach atomic structure at 14–16


Secure your learners’ understanding of this core topic with these teacher-tested strategies

A croissant and a mug of hot chocolate with a pen and notebook which says Chemistry Revision

Start early for effective revision


How a low-pressure support session can help your learners effectively prepare for exams

An illustration of a conical flask giving of coloured smoke which includes rough science diagrams including apparatus setup, an atom, a molecule, an ionic crystal, question marks.

5 top tips for success with SQA assignments


Follow this expert advice to manage coursework effectively and guarantee learner outcomes

A beaker of dark green bubbling liquid with condensation forming on the side had a temperature probe reporting into a laptop which shows a line graph of the temperature increasing

How to build understanding of Gibbs free energy


Help your students master this fundamental post-16 topic with these effective tips and teaching strategies

A group of wooden red blocks and one orange and one purple wooden pyramids

8 ways to boost student understanding with examples and non-examples


Help students fully grasp tough chemistry concepts by using example sets to explain them

A glass bottle of ethanol labelled highly flammable and harmful with ethanol burning in a spirit burner

How to teach combustion and oxidation at 11–14


Use these 5 tried-and-tested tips to teach combustion safely and effectively

A cartoon of a chemistry teacher with a misbehaving class

Successfully stop disruptive behaviour in its tracks


Use these tips to achieve subtle but effective behaviour management when students are pushing the boundaries

A high school student daydreaming in class

How to ensure students listen intently


Tried-and-tested strategies to get your students focused and learning

A back pocket with some cards in. The top card says one, two.

Overcome tricky classroom scenarios with handy phrases


Be ready to face any teaching challenge with these effective teacher-tested phrases

Students in a classroom with their hands up

How to guarantee student participation and recall


Use this teacher-tested questioning and rehearsal strategy to ensure fully engaged learners

Some shadow puppets casting their silhouette on a sheet of a pair of frog's legs and a battery

Improve students’ recall with stories


Engage learners with science through stories – and improve their recall

A bright explosion with sparks and smoke

5 ways to teach displacement reactions effectively


Spark students’ enthusiasm for this key chemistry topic with these teacher-tested strategies

A student climbing three steps with different models of atoms and ions around

Boost younger students’ grasp of atomic structure


How to go beyond the simplistic when teaching this topic at 11–14, to help students achieve success at 14–16

Cartoon of an elderly woman in a lab coat pointing at test tubes in a quizzical manner

Why your learners should explain an experiment to their nan


Get creative to encourage students to write clear, reasoned and detailed practical methods

A cartoon of people playing tennis with cheering spectators. The baselines on the court are crooked and there are out-sized chemistry diagrams and items around.

Start the year right with baseline assessments that give realistic results


Assess your students early and effectively to get an accurate picture of their prior knowledge

Girl sat cross-legged on an undulating wave of film tape with images of a tree, vanilla ice cream, fractional distillation, electromagnetic waves and a beaker containing purple liquid with a syringe standing in it popping up in front of her.

5 ways using videos can enhance your teaching


Discover teacher-tested ways that videos can support both learners and educators

Chemical flasks as cartoon characters playing football. In one pair one is getting angry while another shows him a red card. Another pair one is concentrating on the ball while being cheered by the other waving a flag. The final pair are passing the ball.

Help your students transfer their skills from the pitch to the classroom


Score learning goals with these teaching strategies

The fingerspelling alphabet for British sign language

How sign language can help all learners


Use British sign language’s descriptive nature to boost understanding in your science lessons

A teacher waters his students who are growing in flowerpots

7 ways to motivate your students


Use these solid strategies to grow student motivation and success

Cartoon of small people with over-sized marked tests and pens

Effective test review strategies


Boost learning for all and banish exam anxiety with this teacher-tested routine

A high school student in uniform correcting a sentence she has written about climate change

Strategies to help students write scientifically


Essential advice from an English teacher on how to successfully model the writing process and boost your learners’ skills

A student observing a microscale reaction as two different crystals diffuse through a droplet of water to react and create a yellow line

Explicitly teach learners how to make observations


How to give students the skills to describe and explain what they see scientifically

shutterstock_1916933567 [Converted]-01

Effective strategies for homework success


Consolidate in-class learning consistently and effectively so your students ace their exams

A school student making a poster showing an experiment and results

Creating posters to present information


Help your students learn how to communicate their results effectively

The blocks for carbon, hydrogen and oxygen from the periodic table with a 3D structure for citric acid

5 ways to teach elements, compounds and mixtures at 11–14


Use these teacher-tested ideas to ensure your students don’t get mixed up about chemical substances

A school student thinks about the scientific process of hypothesis, experiment, results, publishing.

Show students how to grasp the scientific process


Three teacher-tested approaches to building this skill successfully

A boy pours liquid into a large measuring cylinder while considering which size cylinder would be best

Successful students evaluate every step


Train your learners to get the best marks

A cartoon of a tiny scientist reading a paper output of Chemistry knowledge from a giant brain

7 steps to successful revision strategies


How to model effective exam cramming habits with your students

A student taking reading during a practical thinking about the graph she will draw with the results

Improve learners’ confidence with numbers


Engage your students with data and boost their maths skills in the science classroom

Cartoon of two students on high diving boards look nervously down into a speech bubble shaped pool

Building literacy skills in science


Follow this guide to introduce and develop your students’ literacy skills in science

A cartoon of a girl in school uniform doing a titration. She is correctly swirling the liquid in the conical flask but she has forgotten to put her white tile underneath.

How to help students develop their practical skills


Use a model, feedback, reapply loop to develop students’ practical skills

A cartoon of a woman with seven arms holding a flag, a target, a loudpeaker, a pen drawing an organisation chart, a pencil drawing a speech bubble, a piece of paper with a heart and doing a OK sign

3 ways to provide effective feedback


Use these principles to ensure your feedback is timely and helps your students succeed

A student planning a crystalisation experiment with lab equipment

How to teach practical planning skills


Being prepared is the best way for learners to successfully do practicals

A whiteboard used to workout the 3d structure of phosphorus pentafluoride

Banish misconceptions with digital whiteboards


A quick, low-stakes way to see what students are thinking, with everything from 3D molecule modelling to organic chemistry

A carton of a student comparing a 3d model of methane to its flat structure diagram

Help students solve problems by using models


Improve learners problem-solving skills in the classroom and in life

A student in a wheelchair reading Frankenstein while thinking about gene editing

Help your students understand ethics in science


How to develop learners’ moral problem-solving skills

A teacher using digital tools to teach chemistry

Make the most of OneNote in your classroom


5 effective ways to teach chemistry with digital technology

A girl in school uniform with a headscarf heats a testube of liquid over a bunsen burner

How to teach risk assessment skills


Help your students learn how to keep the laboratory safe

A girl in school uniform considers how concentration might affect a reaction

Boost student confidence constructing hypotheses


Ideas to help you teach this essential scientific skill

A boy in school uniform confused by science words

Improve your students’ literacy in science skills


Use these tips to help your pupils write and talk like a scientist

An example decision tree using mass and formula or concentration and volume to calculate moles

Help students apply the right concepts in chemistry


How your students can use decision trees to improve exam success

A movie clapperboard

Harness the power of video to dispel misconceptions


A creative solution to reveal and resolve confusion about displacement reactions

Two beakers with clear liquid and a reacting solid in each with one producing more bubbles than the other

6 ways to teach strong and weak acids


Concentrate your students’ minds and they’ll soon master this topic

Chains of paper dolls of different lengths

How to use models to boost understanding


Help students make sense of the chemistry they can’t see with memorable representations

A Christmas bauble in the shape of a water molecule

Get crafty with festive molecular baubles


Is this the perfect festive science activity for the last week of term?

Microscale and fullscale titration experiments

From microscale to full-scale practicals


Find out how to upscale your practicals to reduce cognitive load and improve students’ results

A collage of photos taken by students of their homemade period three molecular structures

Modelling trends in periodicity


How to use models to help your students get on top of periodic trends

Students studying together around a poster on a table

6 steps to effective revision


Model successful strategies and banish student anxiety

A sequence of photos showing inks being split using chromatography

5 ways to teach paper chromatography


Brush up on your chromatography teaching skills with these teacher-tested tips

A school science prep room

12 top tips for safe science in your school


Advice for technicians (and teachers) on safely opening up the prep room and on ensuring a successful start to practical work

Progression in improving making a paper aeroplane

Creating a culture of error


Use these 5 teacher-tested tips to help your students learn (and grow) from their mistakes

Students complete a test in a giant exercise book

7 steps to hassle-free retrieval practice


How to use this popular technique to assess student understanding, with no planning and minimal fuss