Explore our new career profiles and find out how they are making a difference to our world
Dilynwch i gael fersiwn Gymraeg
Ian’s research mitigates climate change and has led to the production of energy-generating coatings for buildings
Geertje teaches university students and leads the development of materials made from bacteria
Andrew develops emergency exit marking for aircraft, helping to keep passengers safe
Stephen supports several businesses to become sustainable including using organic materials for wastewater treatment
Jamie improves steelmaking processes to reduce their impact on the environment
Emma protects our health and the environment by monitoring levels of environmental pollutants in the land, air and water. She sets the conditions on industrial processes to minimise their release of pollutants
Tom identifies and unravels the mystery behind the rocks and minerals of Wales
Jill ensures that the medicines her client companies provide to the public comply with quality and safety standards and are fit for purpose
Gemma manages the production of high-quality tin and chromium coated steels for everyday items found in a kitchen and bathroom
Emma investigates the link between climate change and increased greenhouse gas emissions from the soil