Organic synthesis quiz | 16–18 years

Collated image showing aspirin pills and the organic synthesis quiz teacher notes and PowerPoint

Source: © Pavel Chagochkin/Shutterstock/Royal Society of Chemistry

Multiple choice quiz to check understanding and revise organic chemistry topics

Multiple choice quizzes (MCQs) are engaging for classes and have a low barrier for participation. 

This MCQ has been designed to be similar to the questions learners aged 16–18 years may face in examinations. The quiz can be used to check for understanding after completing the organic chemistry topics and revision before A-level, and equivalent, examinations.

Further organic synthesis questions can be used to build on the answers and provide a challenge. For example, ask your learners to draw the displayed formulae of named compounds, give them atom economy calculations to complete and mechanisms to draw. Use the questions to start discussions with your class surrounding the overlapping topics and their applications, too.

Questions cover a wide range of organic chemistry topics including: alcohols, aldehydes, alkanes, alkenes, amides, amines, benzene, bonding, carbonyls, carboxylic acids, electrophiles, electrophilic addition, esters, formulae, free radicals, green chemistry, halogenoalkanes, Markovnikov, monomers, multiple representations, nitriles, nomenclature, nucleophilic addition-elimination, nucleophilic substitution, oxidation, polymers, reactivity and reduction.

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