Ancient Egyptian art

3000–300 BCE


Flame tests using metal salts

In this classic science experiment, students report on the colours produced when flame tests are carried out on different metal salts.


Oil and water mix

In this practical, students predict and observe what happens when water and alcohol, and water and oil are mixed.


Making an oil-water emulsion

Students observe what happens when oil and water are mixed, and how the results of the experiment change when various substances, including an emulsifier, are added.


Tyndall effect- why the sky is blue

In this experiment, students observe and report on the Tyndall effect. Also, students use their knowledge of the properties of mixtures and emulsions, and light to explain their observations.


Three colours from the same dye-bath

In this experiment, students see if dyes bond differently depending on the material, and what effect this has.


Measure the speed of light

In this experiment, students report their findings when bread, covered in butter, is placed in a microwave without the turning plate. They also use their data to calculate the speed of light.


Making marbled paper

In this practical, students create a marble effect on paper, using their knowledge of mixtures and hydrophobic solutions to explain the phenomena. Also, students use their evaluating skills to determine which method produces the best result.


Water drop art

In this practical, students observe and report what happens when water is placed on waxed paper, and a splint or toothpick is positioned close to the droplets.


Discover the links between art and science through different historical eras.


Cave art

The cave art era spans 10,000–3000 BCE. Discover the links between cave art and chemistry


Ancient Egyptian art

The Egyptian art era spans 3000–300 BCE. Discover the links between Egyptian art and science


Ancient Greek art

The Ancient Greek art era spans 3000–30 BCE. Discover the links between Ancient Greek art and chemistry


Ancient Roman art

The Ancient Roman art era spans 753 BCE–476 CE. Discover the links between Ancient Roman art and chemistry