5–19 education
Every child in the UK deserves a world class chemistry education so we have the talent, skills and inspiration needed to tackle global challenges. We are campaigning to improve accessibility in chemistry education for children aged 5–19 in the UK and Ireland.
If young people are to develop the skills and knowledge to become scientifically literate citizens and develop STEM careers, the chemistry curriculum must be fit-for-purpose, engaging and relevant. From ensuring every child has access to practical work to embedding sustainability and climate change into curricula, we want every child to feel like science is for them.
We want young people equipped with core chemistry knowledge and skills that are understood and valued by employers, via both academic and vocational options at level 3 and above. We believe equitable educational pathways involve a ‘single route’ science qualification to the age of 16, alongside ensuring you and your students understand the wide range of careers and opportunities available.
We are campaigning to ensure you and your colleagues have the resources, skills, expertise and motivation so that all your students have access to an excellent chemistry education. Key parts of this include addressing the teacher and technician recruitment and retention crisis with long-term solutions that can withstand population and economic fluctuations, while also investing in effective professional development.