Art and archaeology

Modern humans have developed a culture of art in every historical era since they first appeared tens of thousands of years ago. This section is designed to create a timeline of the development of art culture by looking at significant works down the ages.


Cave art history

Cave paintings and drawings were the first uses of art in prehistoric times. Here we look at the artistic interpretations of the world by Homo sapiens.


Ancient Greek art

The Classical Greek period heralded an age in which thought and art flourished.


Ancient Roman art: an imitation of Greek art?

A traditionally accepted view of ancient Roman art is they borrowed from, and copied, Greek precedents. The picture, however, is more complex and recent archaeological research indicates Roman art is highly creative.


Egyptian art

To understand and appreciate Egyptian art one must look at the beginnings of art in Egypt and how it developed, for in that development lay the roots of many ideas and techniques. This resources explores this development.