Remote teaching support

Ideas and resources for teachers working from home

Home resource collections


On-screen experiments

Aspirin screen experiment

Screen experiments

Interactive virtual laboratories to introduce students to experimental techniques and help them make the most of practical work, featuring titration and aspirin synthesis.

Bohr model of a beryllium atom

PhET interactive simulations

Explore chemical concepts using these interactive simulations: covering acid-base solutions, Beer's Law, atomic structure, concentration and the pH scale

Teacher and student well-being

Approaches to remote teaching

An illustration showing small teacher characters planning a weekly schedule, using large post-it notes, pens, ladders, on a large mobile phone

Taking a week-by-week approach to remote teaching


Help students manage their workload with weekly assignments and feedback

An image showing a girl studying a computer screen, sat at a desk, with a mug and biscuits to her left, all in front of a window

How to make effective use of pre-recorded lessons


Try this great approach for introducing new content and letting learners rewatch to their heart’s desire

An image showing jelly

Using investigations to engage your 11–14 students


Try this proven approach to remote teaching with your science classes

an image showing Hess's Cycle written on a notepad in front of a cup of coffee

How to use a slide show for a live lesson


Catherine Smith shares her strategy for teaching a remote lesson on the Hess cycle


How to run a quiz for distance learning


Kristy Turner shares the structure for a lesson using a semi-live approach to quizzing

Communicating with parents

A photo of a mother helping her two teenage sons with schoolwork

How to reply to parents’ questions about homeschooling


Advice on answering questions from parents and carers with children learning from home during the Covid-19 pandemic

An image showing an orange background with four digital devices, each with a hand on it, illustrating the concept of communication hands on devices

How to stay in touch while teaching remotely


Staying in touch when remote teaching is important, but what’s the best way to go about it as far as your students, their parents and your colleagues are concerned?

Remote feedback

An illustration of a small woman on a large computer marking a form with a large pencil

One simple way to provide quick and effective online feedback


Use objective-based marking to save time and engage students with online feedback

An illustration showing a student receiving feedback remotely

Giving successful remote feedback


How to ensure you feed back effectively when students are learning at home

Remote technology

An image showing remote teaching

Top tips to make the most of remote teaching technology


Teachers share their dos and don’ts of using Google and Microsoft remote offerings

An image showing a phone screen showing Google classroom

5 smart tips for using Google Classroom with your classes


Get started and uncover the secrets to teaching remotely

An illustration of a teacher looking behind a computer screen at technology

5 teaching technologies to improve socially-distanced learning


One teacher reveals which technologies have improved their teaching in 2020. Which do you use?

Tips from the EEF

An illustration showing remote teaching, with digital devices, chemistry icons and pupils

How students learn effectively from home


Wondering how to nail remote teaching? The EEF shares some ideas to help you master content and strategy

What you need to know about flipped learning

One man helping another to do a backflip

The fast guide to flipped learning


How to make the most of lesson time

An image showing two windows with swapping arrows on

How to implement flipped learning in 2021


Flipped learning could save time and help close the attainment gap as education moves back to the classroom – here’s how to bring it into yours

An image showing flipped learning concept, frying pan flipping a textbook

How to flip learning successfully remotely


It’s the perfect approach for effective distance learning

Also check out …

AFIC homepage 3000px x 2000px

A Future in Chemistry

Real-life career stories and articles to inspire and inform you about your future in chemistry

The logo of the Royal Society

Support from the Royal Society

Science at Home resources for teachers

Royal Society of BIology logo

Advice from the RSB

Resources from the Royal Society of Biology

Institute of Physics (IOP) logo

Support from the IOP

Find out how the Institute of Physics is supporting schools and colleges during Covid-19


Check out some of our other teaching and learning resources

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    Higher education

    Support your students with the skills they need to succeed at degree level and beyond

  • Books on shelf

    Curriculum support

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    Explore the principles and practice of spectroscopy and other analytical methods

  • Periodic table rotated

    Periodic table

    Explore the elements with your students using these innovative and interactive resources