Thursday 21 November or Friday 22 November, 9.30am–4pm GMT, York STEM Learning Centre, YO10 5DD

*Fully booked* 

The RSC is developing a practical ‘train the trainer’ course to enable participants to effectively train ECTs and their departments in three core aspects of practical work. We are seeking experienced teachers in England to participate in a pilot program.

Through extensive research, the Royal Society of Chemistry has identified a lack of confidence among early career teachers (ECTs) in delivering practical chemistry lessons. As a response, our goal is to provide science and chemistry teachers with the necessary support to conduct training for science ECTs within their own educational environment, in order to enhance practical skills and build confidence. The RSC will offer support to participants of this course to facilitate the delivery of learning in their settings.

Waiting list


Workshop aims

This course aims to provide participants with the tools and know-how to enhance the skills of their ECTs and broader department in practical chemistry. Topics covered will include strategies for improving teachers’ proficiency in successful chemistry demonstrations, adaptive teaching methods, and ensuring health and safety standards.

The course will include three modules:

1. WOW Demonstrations

This module will concentrate on equipping participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to share best practice when carrying out potentially dangerous and hazardous practical demonstrations.

In this session, participants will learn how to:

  • Explain the key elements of successful practical demonstrations.
  • Improve confidence (in themselves, and wider department) in conducting challenging and potentially hazardous experiments safely.
  • Model effective questioning techniques to assess student understanding during demonstrations.

2. Managing Challenging Classroom Practicals

This module will prepare participants to share best practice for conducting challenging practicals whilst prioritising classroom management as well as health and safety.

In this module participants will learn how to:

  • Model techniques for delivering whole class practical work, considering specific laboratory settings and behavioural factors.
  • Explain strategies for how to identify and manage risk, ensuring health and safety when undertaking more challenging student practical work.

 3. Adaptive Practical Lessons for Diverse Learners

This module is designed to address the needs of diverse learners, including students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and specific behavioural challenges. Participants will learn how to share methods of adapting practical work to ensure safety and achieve core lesson objectives while catering to the unique requirements of these student demographics.

In this module, participants should learn how to:

  • Share strategies for adapting practical activities to ensure safety while meeting learning objectives.
  • Share best practice for adjusting practical experiments, catering to the diverse needs of students, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Please note that minor adjustments may be made to the outcomes as this course is still in development.

Participants in the pilot would be expected to:

  • Actively engage in the program’s evaluation process. This could involve providing feedback, sharing experiences, or suggesting improvements.
  • Conduct at least two modules within their own educational environment. This could be a great opportunity for you to apply what you’ve learned and gain practical experience.

Other information:

Who is this for? This is for experienced chemistry teachers, (3+ years) in England. 

Travel: Reasonable travel expenses will be covered, we ask that you book tickets in advance, ( please do not book travel until your place has been confirmed)

Other Details:

  • You will only need to attend one of the days at the STEM learning centre. Accomodation will be provided for the night before.
  • All meals and sundries will be provided as well as accommodation and evening meal for the night before the event if needed.

Interested? Book now

(Spaces are limited so book early to avoid disappointment)

If this sounds like something you would like to be part of please complete the short form by clicking the button below. We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions about the workshop you can email Max or Louise for further information.


Registration is now closed

To be added to the waiting list please complete the form here:

Waiting list


National STEM Learning Centre, Siwards Way, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD