The Association for Science Education (ASE) supports its members’ well-being, job satisfaction and retention through bespoke resources tailored to the needs of science teachers
At a glance
Organisation: Association for Science Education
Contacts:; 01707 283000
ASE Science Teacher SOS
ASE Science Technician SOS
Contacts:; 01707 283000
Criteria: ASE Science Teacher SOS available freely to all science teachers and ASE Technician SOS is freely available to all science technicians. ASE RISE is available to heads of science with ASE departmental membership.
Support offered: ASE SOS is a free self-help guidance and exercises document for teachers and technicians; ASE RISE online survey for science staff and bespoke intervention resources to improve staff well-being, job satisfaction and retention
The ASE is a charity that relies on its membership to provide support for excellent science teaching and learning and advocates for those in science education by working with policy makers.
We understand that science teachers have specific needs to ensure they can do their job effectively. We offer two approaches to supporting science teachers who feel unhappy in their work: a reactive approach through SOS and a proactive approach through ASE RISE (Retention Initiative for Science Education).
Our recent research (pdf), funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, highlighted these needs for science teachers:
- increased support for teacher mental health issues within science departments;
- more effective strategies for maintaining a life-work balance;
- improved positive working relationships within science departments;
- improved senior leader understanding of the needs specific to science teachers; and
- encouragement for more proactive career planning.
What support can I get?
You can access immediate support and signposting for free from ASE SOS (for teachers, technicians) when stressed or dissatisfied with work. The short document for teachers helps you reflect on why you are dissatisfied as well as offering resources and signposts to support change. It has bespoke sections for science teachers in different roles.
Science department support
ASE RISE provides a short questionnaire for the science department to complete anonymously. The lead science teacher can use the data to understand the needs of the department and prioritise actions specific to their teachers. The ASE RISE resource hub provides free downloadable resources to use to support change within the department.
School leader support for science departments and science teachers
Science teachers and departments have specific needs that are different to other subjects including practical work, teaching out of specialism and teaching multiple core exam subjects. The ASE RISE hub has resources that support this for both senior leaders and science departments.
Influencing policy
We use the anonymous data from ASE RISE to compile ‘state of the nation’ reports to understand and target the needs of science teachers, as well as influence policy.
To support the well-being and retention of science teachers, we also collaborate with other organisations. In addition, we advocate for science education and science teachers in discussions with policy makers such as all-party parliamentary groups and the Department for Education.

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