Professional development for teachers

Well-rounded professional development knits into every facet of your role as a teacher

That’s why we provide a CPD programme that supports a holistic approach to professional development. We offer a wide range of CPD opportunities to suit individual teachers’ needs; this includes face-to-face courses, online courses and other forms of teacher professional development.

Featured courses and events

A woman sits at a table using a laptop and smiling against a plain yellow background. To her right are a number of illustrations, including a lightbulb, cogs turning, a pile of books, and several words, including "learning", "study" and "thinking"

Sustained professional development

Discover recognised CPD courses delivered live and online on topics ranging from practical skills, subject knowledge and teaching strategies.

Teacher sitting at a laptop

Teacher support sessions

Explore our upcoming live online teacher support sessions – one hour sessions designed to support you with new ideas and resources for teaching.

Browse courses by type

Woman signing up to online courses on her laptop

On-demand online

Self-guided teacher professional development courses

Person at a computer with headphones on

Live online

Free, remotely-taught teacher professional development sessions

Also check out

Closeup of a pile of magazines with bending pages

Selected PD articles

New ideas for teaching tricky topics

Atomic models in front of a blackboard

Course resources

Teaching materials for professional development courses

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Who’s it for?

No matter what your personal experience, interests or career stage, our broad range of professional development opportunities ensure that all teachers get the right tools for their needs.

We offer CPD support for:

  • Early career teachers
  • Subject specialists
  • Subject non-specialists
  • Science leaders or coordinators
  • Heads of department and those progressing to that role
  • Experienced teachers looking to reenergise their approach to teaching chemistry

What does CPD look like for teachers?

CPD can encompass anything that enhances skills related to your job.

It often takes place on the job but can sometimes be relevant before you start in a role. It can take a variety of forms, from mentoring to coaching, lesson study to reflective reading.

When it comes to CPD for teachers, there are two main areas in which you can enhance your skills:

  • Subject knowledge (SK)
  • Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) (also referred to as subject specific pedagogy)

How do you benefit?

Through our CPD programmes you can:

  • gain more confidence
  • become better informed of education research and how to apply the findings
  • develop yourself and your career in the way you choose
  • connect with networks of your peers and experts at the Royal Society of Chemistry
  • discover a renewed enthusiasm in inspiring the next generation of young scientists
  • enjoy your teaching more

All of the above will contribute toward becoming the most effective practitioner you can be.

What's in Teacher PD?

Female primary school teacher works at her desk

PD for primary teachers

Boost your knowledge and confidence to teach primary school science. Browse CPD opportunities, types of professional development and science news

Science teaching doing a demonstration

PD for secondary teachers

Our support for secondary school teachers covers subject knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and career progression

Teachers take notes during a professional development workshop

What we offer

We offer a wide range of CPD opportunities to suit individual teachers’ needs; this includes face-to-face courses, online courses and other forms of teacher professional development

A black and white photograph of two women in conversation. The woman facing the camera is listening, with a laptop open in front of her. Around the photograph are some colourful shapes and an illustration of a lightbulb.

Teacher mentoring

Further your career with our mentoring schemes. We pair experienced educators with early career teachers in order to provide support and guidance, as well as contribute to the professional development of both mentor and mentee