Alison Ackroyd
Alison Ackroyd is a lecturer at MidKent College and has worked in the FE sector for over 25 years in London and the South-East. She previously worked in academic research and has kept a strong interest in molecular biology and the crossover to education.
Alison currently teaches on the new T level in Science at MidKent College. She creates science content for STEM Learning and actively works with the Post-16 Remote National Science Network to help science practitioners. Alison is also a member of the ASE 11–19 Committee.
Alison has recently been awarded a Technical Teaching Fellowship 2022/23 from the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) and Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 to develop T level Science practice and resources.
- Opinion
Technically speaking: a fresh approach to post-16 learning
An FE lecturer provides key insights from their experience into the value of T-levels and the practical benefit to students