All Equilibrium articles – Page 3

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    NBC Learn: Chemistry Now

    This resource includes both videos and worksheets. The website makes links to everyday contexts in which chemistry is important. This material would provide enrichment to lessons using contemporary chemical examples.

  • Ball balance


    This programme is designed to develop students understanding through basic concepts such as reversible and irreversible reaction, looking at both physical and chemical changes, to dynamic equilibria and factors that affect equilibria. Working through the activities will also develop thinking and research skills.

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    On This Day - Nov 27 : Lars Onsager was born

    He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1968 for his work on a general theory of irreversible chemical processes. This is known as Onsager’s reciprocal relations, which can be described as a universal natural law, and holds great scope and importance in physics and chemistry.

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    On This Day - Oct 08 : Le Chatelier was born

    He is best known for Le Châtelier’s principle, which predicts the effect of changing the concentration, partial pressure, volume or temperature on the position of equilibrium in a chemical reaction – if there are changes to these factors then the equilibrium will shift to counteract that change.

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    On This Day – Sep 02 : Friedrich Ostwald was born

    He was one of the founders of classical physical chemistry. In particular, Ostwald was a pioneer of electrochemistry and chemical dynamics. He won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1909 for his work on catalysis, chemical equilibrium, and reaction velocities.

  • Pouring light yellow iron chloride solution into a beaker of clear potassium thiocyanate solution causing a chemical reaction changing the colour of the liquid to dark red
    Lesson plan

    Equilibrium reactions and the factors affecting them | 16-18 years

    Check common misconceptions about equilibrium reactions and the effects of concentration, catalysts and temperature using this lesson plan for 16–18 year olds.