All Key stage 2: topic C3a articles
Science Concept Cartoons: Acid rain
Spark discussion and stimulate thinking about acid rain in a way that encourages pupils to share their ideas
Chemistry and Sport - weightlifting
Find out why chalk is as important in weightlifting as it is in tennis, rock climbing, and even fire-fighting.
Found in the ground
Give your pupils the knowledge and the opportunity to classify materials according to rocks, minerals and fossils.
Virtual rock kit
A collection of common sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. Each rock has images showing particle arrangements, the rock after weathering, hand sized specimens and the rock in use.
Rocks and soils: That’s Chemistry!
The ‘rocks and soils’ chapter from That’s Chemistry! This chapter looks at key ideas and activities that can be used to help students learn that different types of rocks and soils have different properties.
If rocks could talk
A series of ‘interviews’ with different rocks. From these ‘interviews’ students learn about different types of rocks, how and where in the rock cycle they are formed as well as their defining features. Clicking on key words reveals further information, images and quiz questions. This resource has been developed by ...
Modelling sedimentary rocks
Students use syringes to make samples of sedimentary rock from sand both with and without cementing agents.
Limestone weathering
This activity is designed for students aged 11-14. It can be used to reinforce work on the reactions of carbonates with acids as well as the chemical weathering of rock.
Weathering and erosion
Examine the ways in which water can weather rocks, by solution and by freeze-thaw.
Space: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic space. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
The Victorians: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the Victorians. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
The Stone Age: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the stone age. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
Maya and Aztecs: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the Maya and Aztecs. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
The Vikings: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the Vikings. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
The golden age of Islamic science: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the golden age of Islamic science. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
Ancient Greece: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the Ancient Greece. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
Na Lochlannaich: lìontan nam beachdan saidheans
Lìon nam beachdan mollaichte airson ceangal a dhèanamh eadar saidheans agus an cuspair na Lochlannaich. Faodaidh tu eachdraidh agus saidheans ionnsachadh còmhla le gnìomhachasan airson buidhnean de dh’aoisean diofraichte
Experiment with the Vikings
A comprehensive collection of activities to incorporate science into your Vikings lessons. Topics include everyday life; weapons and warfare; travel and trade; and how modern day archaeologists use science to investigate Viking life.