All Evaluating articles – Page 6
The Tudors: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the Tudors. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
The Vikings: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the Vikings. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
The golden age of Islamic science: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the golden age of Islamic science. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
World War II: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic World War II. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
Ancient Greece: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the Ancient Greece. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
Na Lochlannaich: lìontan nam beachdan saidheans
Lìon nam beachdan mollaichte airson ceangal a dhèanamh eadar saidheans agus an cuspair na Lochlannaich. Faodaidh tu eachdraidh agus saidheans ionnsachadh còmhla le gnìomhachasan airson buidhnean de dh’aoisean diofraichte
An Dàrna Cogadh: lìontan nam beachdan saidheans
Lìon nam beachdan mollaichte airson ceangal a dhèanamh eadar saidheans agus cuspair An Dàrna Cogadh. Faodaidh tu eachdraidh agus saidheans ionnsachadh còmhla le gnìomhachasan airson buidhnean de dh’aoisean diofraichte
Experiment with the Vikings
A comprehensive collection of activities to incorporate science into your Vikings lessons. Topics include everyday life; weapons and warfare; travel and trade; and how modern day archaeologists use science to investigate Viking life.
Bubble volcanoes
In this experiment, students describe what is observed when ethanoic acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate are mixed, using key terms such as reaction, fizzing or effervesce and gas.
Invisible inks
In this experiment, students test a variety of substances to see if they can be used as an invisible ink.