Ian McDaid

Ian McDaid

Ian is currently leader of STEM in a large secondary school, with previous roles as head of faculty, head of chemistry and a local authority lead professional. He has a chemistry degree from the University of Liverpool and a master's in advanced manufacturing technology from the University of Sunderland. In addition to his teaching role Ian is also a senior professional development lead for STEM Learning.

Ian is the author of 100 Ideas for secondary teachers: outstanding science lessons which won the Best secondary resource category at the Education Resource Awards. He was also awarded the Secondary leader prize by STEM Learning at the 2014 Enthuse Awards.

Ian has mainly worked in schools in areas of deprivation during his career and strives to provide pupils with experiences beyond the classroom. He is also an advocate for subject-specific CPD for teachers.

During International Year of the Periodic Table, with funding from the RSC, Ian produced Britain’s largest ever periodic table.

He spends much of his school holidays cycling around northern Europe.