All RSC Education articles in Non-EiC content – Page 117

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    On This Day - Mar 08 : Otto Hahn was born

    He won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1944 for the discovery of nuclear fission in heavy nuclei. He found that when bombarding uranium (U) with neutrons he found evidence of barium (Ba), which could only be explained by splitting of the uranium nucleus in two during bombardment.

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    On This Day - May 08 : Thomas Hancock was born

    He founded the rubber industry, inventing a machine that could work rubber scraps into blocks. Hancock also worked with Charles Macintosh, Scottish chemist and inventor of a waterproof rubber-impregnated fabric.

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    On This Day - Jun 08 : Neptunium discovered

    Neptunium (Np) was synthesised by Edwin McMillan and Philip H. Abelson, who bombarded uranium (U) with neutrons to cause nuclear fission. Neptunium is rare in nature and is only made artificially from spent uranium rods in nuclear reactors.

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    On This Day – Jul 08 : Jason Cardelli detection

    Interstellar space refers to the areas between star systems within a galaxy. It varies hugely in composition, and contains atomic, molecular and ionic particles as well as cosmic radiation. Cardelli used spectroscopy and the scattered-light characteristics to identify the elements within.

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    On This Day – Sep 08 : Cholera outbreak

    He mapped cholera outbreaks and rightly suspected the London water was contaminated. He removed the handle of the street pump in Broadwick Street in London, and now a “John Snow” pub stands beside the site of the original pump in his honour.

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    On This Day - Oct 08 : Le Chatelier was born

    He is best known for Le Châtelier’s principle, which predicts the effect of changing the concentration, partial pressure, volume or temperature on the position of equilibrium in a chemical reaction – if there are changes to these factors then the equilibrium will shift to counteract that change.

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    On This Day - Nov 08 : Xrays discovered

    He produced the first X-ray images picturing the bones in his wife’s hand. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 “in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him.”

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    On This Day - Dec 08 : Roentgenium discovered

    The name roentgenium (Rg) was proposed in honour of the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, and was accepted as a permanent name on November 1, 2004.

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    On This Day - Mar 07 : The atomic nucleus revealed

    The New Zealand chemist explained that when firing alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold, some particles bounced back. From this he deduced an atom has a hard, dense, positively charged centre: the nucleus. Related resources: Understanding how atoms are made up Royal Institution Christmas Lectures® 2012: ...

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    On This Day - Apr 07 : Louis Fieser was born

    Fieser is famous for inventing the chemical weapon napalm. He also pioneered the artificial synthesis of Vitamin K, an anti-clotting agent found in the blood, and worked on the development of antimalarial drugs.

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    On This Day - May 07 : Arda Alden Green was born

    She made many contributions to the field of biochemistry. Green’s most notable research was on the isolation and characterisation of proteins, in particular haemoglobin and the enzymes responsible for bioluminescence. She received the 1958 Garvan Medal, which recognises special service to chemistry by women.

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    On This Day - Jun 07 : Robert Mulliken was born

    He won the 1966 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing the molecular orbital theory. Mulliken carried out the “fundamental work concerning chemical bonds and the electronic structure” used to determine the molecular structure of a compound.

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    On This Day – Aug 07 : Atmosphere of Mars

    American chemist George Pimentel pioneered the development of rapid-scan infrared spectroscopy techniques. He designed the spectrometer for the Mariner spacecraft that explored Mars in 1969, which detected the compounds. He highly suspected that life had existed on Mars but there has been no such proof.

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    On This Day – Sep 07 : Friedrich Kekulé was born

    He was a prominent scientist during the second half of the nineteenth century. He founded the theory of chemical structure and is famous for deducing the six-membered ring structure of benzene.

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    On This Day - Oct 07: Niels Bohr atom

    He described the atom as a miniature solar system with electrons revolving around a heavy nucleus. He received the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physics for “his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them.”

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    On This Day - Mar 06 : Mendeleev's Periodic Table

    Although this was not the first attempt to systematically order the chemical elements, Mendeleev’s table was unique, allowing him to predict undiscovered elements as well as revealing inaccuracies in some of the measured atomic weights.

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    On This Day - Apr 06 : Teflon invented

    Teflon, which is the trade name for polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), was first made by American chemist Roy Plunkett by accident whilst working for DuPont. Teflon’s inert nature and extreme slipperiness has led to it being used in many applications, including non-stick saucepans.

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    On This Day - May 06 : Victor Grignard was born

    He developed the use of organomagnesium halides, now known as Grignard reagents, as a new method to make carbon-carbon bonds. This important reaction is widely used in synthetic organic chemistry.

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    On This Day – Jul 06 : Oil rig destruction

    The Piper Alpha was the biggest and oldest oil platform in the North Sea. The fire was initiated by a gas leak, and 167 people died. This was due to inadequate maintenance and safety procedures, and since then significant changes and improvements in these procedures have been made.

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    On This Day – Aug 06 : Mars rover landed

    It arrived on the Red Planet after a 36-week flight for a two-year investigation. Curiosity is using its onboard chemistry lab (CheMin) to identify and measure the abundance of various minerals (drilled from rocks and scooped from the ground) to see if there really was life on Mars.