All RSC Education articles in Non-EiC content – Page 112

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    On This Day - Jun 21 : Boron was isolated

    The French pair beat the English chemist Humphrey Davy to it by just nine days. Boron (B) is named after one of its compounds, borax, which had been used as a glazing agent for hundreds of years.

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    On This Day – Jul 21 : Rudolph Marcus was born

    He developed electron transfer theory, which describes the thermodynamics and kinetics of how electrons are transferred between chemicals during a reaction. The theory helps to explain reactions such as oxidation, photosynthesis and cell metabolism.

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    On This Day – Aug 21 : Carbon dioxide cloud

    The cloud travelled as far as 25 km from the lake and was moving fast enough to flatten vegetation, including trees. The cloud reached the deep, iron-rich waters of the lake causing a dramatic change of colour from blue to red as the iron (Fe) oxidised.

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    On This Day – Sep 21 : Loius Cailletet born

    He was one of the first people to investigate the role of heat in phase changes. He successfully liquefied several gases, including oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H), and installed a 300 m high pressure gauge on the Eiffel Tower!

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    On This Day - Oct 21 : William Mitchell was born

    He invented food products such as Pop Rocks, instant Jell-O, Cool Whip and the orange drink, Tang. Whilst working for the General Foods Corporation, he received over 70 patents for his food product inventions.

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    On This Day - Nov 21 : Hieronymus Richter was born

    He was the co-discoverer of indium (In), an element used to form transparent electrodes in liquid crystal displays in computers, televisions and touch screens.

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    On This Day - Dec 21 : Thomas Graham was born

    He is known as “the father of colloid chemistry” and was the founding president of the Chemical Society, which is now the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). The RSC’s Cambridge office, Thomas Graham House, is named after him.

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    On This Day - Mar 20 : Volta revealed the battery

    He wrote to the president of the Royal Society detailing his invention, which was initially called the ‘electric pile’. The battery consisted of alternating copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) discs, connected by pieces of leather or card soaked in salt water.

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    On This Day - Apr 20 : Franz Achard died

    Achard invented the industrial process to produce sugar from beets. Sugar used to be a luxury item only the wealthy could afford, but Achard’s mass-production process meant that many more people could afford to have a sugar in their homes.

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    On This Day - May 20 : Erika Cremer was born

    She conceived the technique of gas chromatography, which separates gaseous compounds within a mixture. Cremer’s notes on the new technique were almost completely lost during air raids in WW2, which meant that her work was only published 30 years later.

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    On This Day - Jun 20 : Mary Good was born

    She is currently an industrial inorganic chemist, but spent many years working for the US government as an advisor in science and technology. She was the 1987-1988 president of the American Chemical Society.

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    On This Day – Jul 20 : James Woodhouse professor

    The American Chemist founded the Chemical Society of Philadelphia and authored numerous works on chemistry, including the first book of directed chemical experiments.

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    On This Day – Aug 20 : Plutonium iodate isolated

    American nuclear chemists Burris Cunningham and Louis Werner isolated a microgram of plutonium(IV) iodate, the first visible quantity to the human eye. Today, plutonium is widely used in the production of nuclear energy.

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    On This Day – Sep 20 : James Dewar was born

    His work blurred the line between chemistry and physics. Dewar’s achievements include designing an insulating double-walled flask with a vacuum between two silvered layers of steel or glass – the technology that led to the modern domestic Thermos flask.

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    On This Day - Oct 20 : James Chadwick was born

    By bombarding the element beryllium (Be) with alpha particles, he discovered a neutral particle in the atom’s nucleus - the neutron. Chadwick subsequently led the UK’s research team investigating the atomic bomb in World War II.

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    On This Day - Dec 20 : Jaroslav Heyrovskȳ was born

    He was awarded the 1959 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of polarography, an analytical tool that uses a dropping mercury (Hg) electrode to investigate the effects of varying currents and potentials of a compound.

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    On This Day – Sep 26 : Biosphere 2

    For two years, the eight participants lived in this huge glass and steel structure in the Arizona desert completely closed off from the rest of the world. It also contained 4,000 species of plants, animals and microbes.

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    On This Day - Apr 19 : Glen Seaborg was born

    Seaborg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1951 with Edwin McMillan for the discovery of many transuranium elements. The element seaborgium (Sg) is named in his honour.

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    On This Day - Jun 19 : Ernst Chain was born

    Chain and his partner Howard Florey extracted and isolated the antibiotic penicillin from Penicillium mould nine years after its accidental discovery by Alexander Fleming. Chain, Florey and Fleming shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1945 for their work.

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    On This Day – Jul 19 : Pelletier died

    He was one of the pioneers of the study of plant alkaloid chemistry. Alkaloids are organic compounds that induce various effects in medicine, including painkillers and respiratory stimulants. Pelletier and his colleagues first isolated the pigment chlorophyll in 1817.