Setting out the case for a single route to science success in Wales

A drawing on a blackboard of a glass beaker pouring out items associated with biology, chemistry and physics including different types of cells, a spring, a thermometer, elements from the periodic table and lab equipment

Source: © 963 Creation/Shutterstock

The three-tiered GCSE science system is being slimmed down to one tier in Wales. Here’s why the RSC thinks it’s the right thing to do

The education landscape in Wales is changing. To align with Curriculum for Wales, Qualifications Wales is replacing the existing suite of science GCSE courses – single award, double award (including applied) and separate (triple) science – with a single qualification, GCSE The sciences. In this article, the Royal Society of Chemistry’s education programme manager for Wales, Dayna Mason explains why the RSC and other science organisations support this equitable route for secondary school science learners. 

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