All Curriculum specifications articles
Why we should ditch working scientifically
Explore a different approach to this national curriculum strand, grounded in contemporary cognitive science
5 top tips for success with SQA assignments
Follow this expert advice to manage coursework effectively and guarantee learner outcomes
How teachers are overcoming the challenges of assignments in Scotland
Teacher Laura Scoular considers what the reintroduction means for teaching staff and students
Why AAQs are the future
Discover the diverse and enriching new post-16 study pathways, available from 2025
Confessions of an examiner
Exam marking veteran Kristy Turner shares the joys and challenges of it all – and why it matters
Facing climate change
 When young people don’t learn about it in school, where do they get their information?
Setting out the case for a single route to science success in Wales
The three-tiered GCSE science system is being slimmed down to one tier in Wales. Here’s why the RSC thinks it’s the right thing to do
Putting sustainability at the centre of the chemistry curriculum
Find out how a London school has strategically arranged chemistry curriculum topics to focus on sustainability
What curriculum reform means for you and your chemistry students
Chemistry teachers welcome science curriculum development
Why I love the Curriculum for Wales 2022
Learn why one teacher is fully embracing the journey to realise the new curriculum in Wales
‘Science education has failed’
Covid has shown people aren’t prepared for societal challenges of the future: it’s time to put science and environment literacy at the heart of science education
TIMSS 2019: How are students doing in science?
Why has attainment decreased in England but stayed the same in Ireland – and what can educators learn from it?
The ‘new’ chemistry A-level better prepares students for higher education
No evidence for concerns students now do fewer practicals, say QMUL lecturers
More students report doing regular practical work
Contrasting some earlier fears, schools have not deprioritized practical since A-level reform
Why should chemistry students learn to code?
How the University of Liverpool is training students to meet the demands of industry
What should the government do for schools?
Priorities for chemistry education that should be high on the Department for Education’s agenda
International studies highlight low teacher morale in UK
PISA and TIMSS show mixed results for the UK
I’m going to stop assigning past paper questions
Tom Husband ditches the assessment obsession
Stop panicking – the assessment is years away
Teaching to the test is not something we should strive for, says Kristy Turner