All Reactions and synthesis articles – Page 15
The reactivity of iron
Illustrate iron’s position in the reactivity series by heating it with copper and magnesium oxides in this practical. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Exothermic metal–acid reactions
Use this class practical to explore the temperature changes resulting from adding different metals to hydrochloric acid. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Silver and lead halides
Try this practical or demonstration to produce silver and lead halides in a series of precipitation reactions. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Thermal decomposition of nitrates: ‘writing with fire’
Make an invisible message ‘glow’ by applying a lighted splint to filter paper treated with sodium nitrate in this demonstration. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Preparing salts by neutralisation of oxides and carbonates
Try these class experiments to illustrate the production of soluble salts from insoluble metal oxides and carbonates. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
A red–blue oscillating reaction
Use this practical or demonstration to provide a visual illustration of an oscillating reaction and redox equilibria. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Reacting magnesium with copper(II) oxide
Illustrate reduction, oxidation and the relative reactivity of magnesium and copper(II) oxide in this demonstration. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Reacting copper(II) oxide with sulfuric acid
Illustrate the reaction of an insoluble metal oxide with a dilute acid to produce crystals of a soluble salt in this class practical. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Problem based practical activities
Discover how chemistry can relate to real world problems, so students can put their science knowledge into context.
What causes iron to rust?
Use this class experiment to help students investigate what conditions are needed for iron to rust. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
The combustion of iron wool
Try this quick teacher demonstration to demonstrate the increase in mass as iron wool is heated in air. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Liquefying chlorine gas
Use this demonstration to produce liquid chlorine and compare it with bromine and iodine in their condensed state. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Organic reaction maps
This activity encourages the use of mind maps to organise information. It also highlights where oxidation and reduction are involved in transformations between functional groups.
Curly arrows and stereoselectivity
This activity develops the use of curly arrows. If you have some very able students in a group, then there is an opportunity for differentiation by giving them a chance to draw curly arrow mechanisms for whatever reactions they meet.
Candle burning investigation: planning an experiment
Concept cartoon and example investigation to practise developing a hypothesis, planning an investigation and evaluation skills
What happens when things burn?
This resource presents chemists as real people and not stereotypical ‘mad scientists’ whose lives are completely dominated by science.
The fluorofen problem
The exercises in this book can be used to address aspects of communication skills, or can be run as a complete module. This section focuses on team work.