All Applications of chemistry articles – Page 9
The science of ice cream
Videos discussing the science of ice cream with, celebrity chef, Heston Blumenthal.
Why do pans stick?
This resource looks at Teflon and its properties. What is Teflon and why does it stop food sticking to the pan?
Is all salt the same?
This resource looks at types of salt and the differences between them.
Anecdotes: The murder of Rasputin
The story of the attempted murder of Rasputin and why it didn’t work.
Anecdotes: Making Aircraft from Seaweed
Creating a balsa wood substitute from calcium alginate for World War 2 aircraft production.
Chemhistory: mauveine
Professor Alan Dronsfield, chair of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Historical Group, looks at the significance of mauveine in a historical context.
Chemistry and Sport - Shooting
Discover the chemistry and enthalpy of the exothermic reactions that power sport shooting events.
Chemistry now: chemistry and sport
This deals with the chemistry of aerobic and anaerobic respiration in the context of athletics and looks at how athletes can manipulate the chemistry of this process
Olympic materials: technology and sports equipment
These resources allow students to explore how changes in materials technology can bring about changes to sporting equipment.
Olympic composites: sports equipment and composite materials
A composite is a mix of two or more materials which often have very different properties. Find out about composites used in sport equipment material.