All Applications of chemistry articles – Page 4
Recycling PVC with electrolysis
New method for recycling poly(vinylchloride) uses electrolysis to extract valuable chlorinated products
Recycling catalysts with electrochemistry
Use this research context to show students how, and why, industry recover their catalysts
Displacement reaction snap | 11–14 years
Consolidate learning about simple displacement reactions with this game, followed by a formative assessment activity for the whole class
How chemistry keeps trains on track
Read about the science that’s been keeping trains chugging along for centuries
A hybrid recycling process for mixed plastics
Investigate plastic and recycling through the combined power of chemistry and biology
High capacity batteries that can biodegrade in situ
Explore biodegradable electrochemistry with this innovation to healthcare and pollution
The science behind emergency oxygen
How chemistry provides oxygen for breathing in emergency situations
What are Halloween costume masks made from?
Find out about the creative chemistry behind costume masks
Electrolysis can conjure hydrogen fuel from air
Air humidity could be the key to sustainable hydrogen power
Minibeasts with chemical superpowers
Discover how insect and arachnid defence mechanisms are being used for new medicines and technologies
High pressure forces heavy hydrogen to act like a metal
Explore metallic bonding and isotopes with this latest research looking at metallic hydrogen
Spiderwebs used as microplastic pollution screens
Airborne plastic can make up a tenth of a spiderweb’s weight. What can it tell us about the life cycle of plastic and recycling in our cities?
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Chemists are developing new detection and treatment methods for this deadly gas
Composite fibre could protect firefighters from extreme heat
The next-generation aerogel with superior thermal insulation could be used to make heat protective clothing and spacecraft shielding
Transforming the catalytic potential of metals
Designer catalysts are breaking the known rules of reactions
Lunar soil offers a promising catalyst
The Moon’s surface offers potential for ‘extraterrestrial photosynthesis’ to make oxygen, hydrogen and other fuels
Moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy
Recent steep price increases could push us towards renewable energy
Compact reverse osmosis to make potable water
Meet the students who have desiged a cheap and portable desalinating water bottle