All Comprehension skills articles – Page 3
Know your poison: the festival chemical safety net
How analytical chemistry helps reduce the harms of drug use
Making chemical language easy
Ann Marie Farrell and Michael Seery consider how to meet students’ language and literacy needs within chemistry
Designing skilful chemists
David Smith discusses the importance of employability skills for chemists
A guide to a successful viva
This guide aims to give you guidance on how to prepare for your viva, some suggestions of what to do beforehand and on the day, and a few pointers to consider during the viva itself.
World wide web treasure hunt
This book can be used to address aspects of communication skills, or can be run as a complete module. This section focuses on information retrieval.
Scientific papers
This book can be used to address aspects of communication skills, or can be run as a complete module. This section focuses on comprehension and problem solving.
Dictionary of interesting chemistry
This book can address aspects of communication skills, or can be run as a complete module. This section focuses on information retrieval/report writing.
Student posters on chemistry topics
This post discusses the use of student generated posters and includes a video guide for students on how to prepare posters
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