Four ways to illustrate the evolving nature of science

A crop from the painting The Alchemist in Search of the Philosophers Stone by Wright of Derby Joseph

Source: © Christophel Fine Art/Universal Images Group/Getty Images

The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus (1771); where are his safety specs? Chemistry labs have come a long way since this dramatic scene was captured by Joseph Wright of Derby

What do we mean by a ‘fact’ in science? Not much, really. The grounds of scientific understanding have been swept up from under the feet of generations of scientists as new research undermined previously held ideas. This is the way science progresses. Think Copernicus, Newton, Boyle, Lavoisier, Bohr. Instead of a pillar of fact, scientific knowledge is tentative, empirical, subjective, socially and culturally embedded, and relies on human inference, imagination and creativity. A ‘fact’ is just something we hold to be the best possible understanding of the scientific community with the information we currently have available.

This understanding of scientific facts has been reflected in the school curriculums for the last two decades. KS3 students are expected to ‘understand that scientific methods and theories develop as earlier explanations are modified to take account of new evidence and ideas, together with the importance of publishing results and peer review’. But despite this long history, talk in classrooms has often centered on talk about ‘facts’ and ‘truth’: in response to students’ incessant questions I have heard many exasperated teachers fall back on ‘it’s just a scientific fact’. And this is becoming increasingly necessary as curriculum time is being squeezed by an ever increasing number of ‘facts’ on specifications!

So, how can we help students grasp this tentative, revolutionary science, without compromising their ability to learn the ‘facts’?

1 Define a fact and banish ‘truth’

Explicitly defining what we mean by a ‘scientific fact’ and agreeing that terminology with the students can be extremely helpful. Assessing this understanding regularly through talk when discussing ‘facts’ helps embed this too. You can also ask students to question which facts they are learning are more likely to be overturned, eg the model of the atom is more likely to be overturned than the boiling point of water (given temperature is defined this way).

But beware of using the word ‘truth’. It is an extremely loaded term and brings much baggage that can really undermine the notion of science as liable to change. Better to give it a wide berth where possible.

2 Provide opportunities to develop ‘new’ theories

Many of the scientific changes students study are extremely abstract (the model of the atom and the development of the periodic table are prime examples). But students will understand scientific change better if they can grapple with it first-hand. Providing students with limited data and asking them to draw initial conclusions before further experiment and refinement is a powerful iterative process that reflects what we want them to learn and how the learning process works. This works particularly well when introducing new classes of compounds and asking students to spot patterns and theorise about their reactions. Matching the derived theory to the specification will ensure the correct ‘facts’ are the ones embedded in students’ long-term memories.

Download this

Reactions of acids: ask 11–14 year old students to spot and explain patterns with this annotated practical worksheet as MS Word or pdf.

3 Evaluate different theories

Done well, evaluating theories is a powerful way of helping students embody the perspective of research scientists. This might be resolving the ‘conflict’ between two competing theories, such as comparing the electron withdrawing inductive effect of the oxygen on phenol with the mesomeric donation of the lone pair on the reactivity of phenol, in a Popperian-style crucial experiment. Or it could involve providing students with some data and a theory about it and putting students in the role of peer review, scaffolding their thinking with questions:

Done well, evaluating theories is a powerful way of helping students embody the perspective of research scientists. This might be resolving the ‘conflict’ between two competing theories, such as comparing the electron withdrawing inductive effect of the oxygen on phenol with the mesomeric donation of the lone pair on the reactivity of phenol, in a Popperian-style crucial experiment ( Or it could involve providing students with some data and a theory about it and putting students in the role of peer review, scaffolding their thinking with questions:

  • Is there enough data to support the theory?
  • How well does the theory fit the data?
  • Are there any anomalies and are these sufficiently accounted for?
  • Does the theory fit with other scientific theories that are currently accepted?

This investigation into candle burning is a great example. At the end, bring focus back to the theory they need to learn with plenty of assessment for learning so there’s no confusion down the line.

An investigation into candle burning is a great example ( At the end, bring focus back to the theory they need to learn with plenty of assessment for learning so there’s no confusion down the line.

4 Build in some philosophy of science

Finally, don’t be afraid to discuss some more abstract parts of the philosophy of science directly with students. Time and again I have seen students of all ages who are not usually enthralled by my lessons come alive as we discuss the problem of induction, or confirmation theory, grappling with grue and the raven paradox. These ‘unresolved’ problems help students see that science isn’t just tentative because of what we haven’t done yet, but by its very nature. And that usually blows their minds!

Finally, don’t be afraid to discuss some more abstract parts of the philosophy of science directly with students. Time and again I have seen students of all ages who are not usually enthralled by my lessons come alive as we discuss the problem of induction, or confirmation theory, grappling with grue ( and the raven paradox ( These ‘unresolved’ problems help students see that science isn’t just tentative because of what we haven’t done yet, but by its very nature. And that usually blows their minds!