All RSC Education articles in Non-EiC content – Page 107

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    On This Day - Apr 10 : Robert Woodward was born

    He is best known for his syntheses of complex organic substances, such as the antimalarial drug quinine, and the steroids cholesterol and cortisone. For this, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1965.

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    On This Day - Apr 09 : Frank Cotton was born

    As well as being the youngest person to receive full professorship at MIT at only 31 years of age, he was the pioneer of studying multiple bonding between transition metal atoms. This research began with rhenium (Re) halides and in 1964 he discovered the quadruple bond in the Re₂Cl²⁻ ion.

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    On This Day - Mar 24 : Joseph Priestley was born

    He is most famous for his discovery of oxygen (O), but he also discovered laughing gas, was the first to carbonate water and was a pioneer of research into electricity.

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    On This Day - Mar 11 : Alexander Fleming died

    He discovered the antibiotic penicillin, which was the first of many antibiotic drugs that successfully treated a variety of bacterial diseases. This discovery earned him part of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945, shared with Ernst Chain and Howard Florey.

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    On This Day - Feb 28 : Linus Pauling was born

    He applied quantum mechanics to the study of molecular structure and chemical bonding, earning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954. He also introduced the concept of electronegativity.

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    On This Day - Feb 22 : Johannes Brønsted was born

    Brønsted developed an identical definition of acids and bases simultaneously but independently from English chemist Thomas Lowry in 1923. Acids are recognised by an excess of H+ ions, and bases have an excess of OH- ions.

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    On This Day - Feb 20 : Laboratory at Oxford opened

    This £60 million state-of-the-art facility has five floors of laboratory and office space covering around 17,000 square metres.

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    On This Day - Feb 07 : The first x-ray was taken

    Professor John Cox took the x-ray in Montreal to determine the location of a bullet in a man’s leg.

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    On This Day - Feb 02 : Leaded petrol was marketed

    Before the serious health hazards were known, an organolead compound with the formula (CH3CH2)4Pb was mixed with petrol to increase the power and fuel economy of cars. The advantages of this type of petrol eventually led to a universal switch to leaded fuel.

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    On This Day - Jan 19 : Dewar produced solid air

    Dewar’s work on cooling gases formed the foundation of the field of cryogenics. He was the first person to produce liquid and solid hydrogen (H2), and the first to show that liquid oxygen (O2) is magnetic.

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    On This Day - Jan 05 : Harold Clayton Urey died

    He was awarded the 1934 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of deuterium in heavy water. Deuterium (2H) is an isotope of hydrogen that contains an extra neutron.

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    On This Day - Dec 29 : Discovery of heavy water

    The American physical chemist found that heavy water is highly enriched in the hydrogen isotope deuterium (2H), and is used in many applications such as nuclear magnetic resonance, neutron moderation in nuclear power plants and organic chemistry.

  • Tungsten filament

    On This Day - Dec 30 : Tungsten filaments patent

    American physicist William David Coolidge brought tungsten (W) from laboratory obscurity to the centre of the industrial stage and gave the x-ray a central role in the progress of medicine throughout the world.

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    On This Day - Dec 09 : Fritz Haber was born

    He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1918 for his work on the fixation of nitrogen (N2) from the air. This discovery is not only important for fertilisers but also explosives. He has since been described as the father of chemical warfare.

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    On This Day - Nov 17 : Nicolas Lemery was born

    His research focus was in the area of acid-base chemistry, but he also prepared a comprehensive dictionary of pharmaceuticals and wrote a chemistry textbook Cours de chymie (1675) that had 31 editions by 1756!

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    On This Day - Nov 10 : Ernst Otto Fischer was born

    He was the co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1973 for determining the structure of ferrocene (Fe(C5H5)2), a single iron (Fe) atom sandwiched between two five-sided carbon rings. There are many analogues of ferrocene, which together have led to the rapid growth of organometallic chemistry.

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    On This Day - Jun 06 : Richard Smalley was born

    Smalley shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Robert Curl Jr. and Harold Kroto for the discovery of the fullerenes. These are forms of carbon that are either spherical (buckminsterfullerene), tubular (carbon nanotubes) or planar (graphene).

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    On This Day - May 22 : Herbert Brown was born

    He shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1979 with Georg Wittig for their contributions to the use of boron- and phosphorous-containing compounds. These compounds are important reagents which are now routinely used in organic synthesis.

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    On This Day – Jul 09 : Amedeo Avogadro died

    His hypothesis – now known as Avogadro’s Law – states that equal volumes of gases at a given temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules. This is now widely accepted, and the number of molecules in a mole is referred to as Avogadro’s number, 6.023 x 1023.

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    On This Day - Oct 11 : Nobel prize for ozone

    They were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work on the formation and decomposition of ozone (O3). Their research showed that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) cause holes in the Earth’s protective ozone layer.