Structure strips

Improve learners’ understanding of chemistry with these scaffolded writing activities

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An illustration of a pencil taking notes growing into a tree with graphene in its shadow

5 ways to use structure strips to scaffold learning


Boost your students’ ability to digest topics and write independently with these margin-sized prompts

An image showing a male student dipping his pen into a conical flask containing ink

Understanding comes with writing


How writing builds learning

A picture of a Chemistry student

Speaking up


How to develop your students’ science vocabulary

Find structure strips for core practicals

Conical flask with calcium carbonate chips on mass balance

Practical videos | 14–16 years

Videos of core practical experiments for flipped learning, remote teaching or revision

The hand of a teacher in a lab coat gestures towards a Liebig condenser used for distillation

Practical videos | 16–18 years

Videos of key practical techniques and apparatus for revision, flipped learning or remote teaching

More structure strips

  • Nanomaterials and the nanoscale: structure strip | 14–16 years

  • The politics of energy – structure strip | 14–16 years

  • How to teach the Earth’s structure for younger students