Video resources featuring core practicals to support flipped learning, remote teaching and live practical work
We identified the most common practical experiments on GCSE courses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and for the Junior Cycle in the Republic of Ireland. In Scotland, although not mandatory, these practical skills are embedded into the specification at National 5.
Fresh from the lab
We’ve added four new practical videos with supporting resources, exclusive to Teach Chemistry, to help you and your learners get the most out of key experiments
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Use the videos to …
prepare before running the practical: see all the steps clearly laid out, alongside teacher and technician notes.
introduce your learners to the experiment ahead of time through flipped learning, for more successful practical work.
revisit experiment methods and results quickly and easily for consolidation and revision.
Alongside the videos you will find supporting resources including key terms, integrated instructions, pause-and-think questions and much more.
Created for teachers, by teachers
We collated the best of what was available to teachers before developing our own videos, written and reviewed by teachers, with features such as animation to help learners link their practical work to theory and ensure that each practical activity has maximum impact.
We have also created and collated videos for 16–18 learner practical experiments.
Practical videos | 14–16 years
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