All Asking scientific questions articles – Page 2
Boost scientific inquiry skills with strategies for reading and reflection
Tips to help students effectively design experiments and form researchable questions
Analytical chemistry in Ireland
Worksheets, project-based learning tasks and contextualisation stories to develop a core understanding of analytical chemistry
Mechanistic reasoning in the chemistry classroom
Do teachers need to rethink their explanations depending on their teaching context?
Toothpaste investigation: neutralisation reactions
Test the basicity of toothpastes and give context to neutralisation reactions
Everyday neutralisation myths busted
Give real-world relevance to neutralisation reactions by testing the basicity of toothpastes
Topic web
Táirgeadh agus úsáid leictreachais | 9–11 bhliain
Nasc do theagasc curaclaim faoi leictreachas le comhthéacsanna spéisiúla inbhuanaitheachta. Sa ghréasán topaicí seo, moltar gníomhaíochtaí ranga a bhaineann le foinsí inbhuanaithe leictreachais agus monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar an leictreachas a ídímid.
Topic web
Leictreachas agus cadhnraí | 7–9 mbliana
Nasc do theagasc curaclaim faoi leictreachas le comhthéacsanna spéisiúla inbhuanaitheachta. Sa ghréasán topaicí seo, moltar gníomhaíochtaí ranga a bhaineann le cadhnraí agus carranna leictreacha.
Topic web
Truailleáin a chruthaítear de bharr athruithe ceimiceacha | 9–11 bhliain
Nasc do theagasc curaclaim faoi athruithe ceimiceacha le comhthéacsanna spéisiúla inbhuanaitheachta. Sa ghréasán topaicí seo, moltar gníomhaíochtaí ranga a bhaineann le díghrádú plaisteach agus cócaireacht ghlan.
Topic web
Cynhyrchu a defnyddio trydan | 9–11 oed
Cysylltwch eich darpariaeth addysgu ar gyfer y cwricwlwm ynghylch trydan â chyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd diddorol. Mae’r we pynciau hon yn cynnig gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth sy’n gysylltiedig â ffynonellau cynaliadwy o drydan a monitro faint o drydan rydyn ni’n ei ddefnyddio.
Topic web
Trydan a batris | 7–9 oed
Cysylltwch eich darpariaeth addysgu ar gyfer y cwricwlwm ynghylch trydan â chyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd diddorol. Mae’r we pynciau hon yn cynnig gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth sy’n gysylltiedig â batris a cheir trydan.
Topic web
Llygryddion a gynhyrchir gan newidiadau cemegol | 9–11 oed
Cysylltwch eich darpariaeth addysgu ar gyfer y cwricwlwm ynghylch newidiadau cemegol â chyd-destunau cynaliadwyedd diddorol. Mae’r we pynciau hon yn cynnig gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth sy’n gysylltiedig â diraddiad plastig a choginio glân.
Topic web
Pollutants produced by chemical changes | 9–11 years
Connect your curriculum teaching on chemical changes to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to plastic degradation and clean cooking.
Topic web
Electricity and batteries | 7–9 years
Connect your curriculum teaching on electricity to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to batteries and electric cars.
Topic web
Electricity production and use | 9–11 years
Connect your curriculum teaching on electricity to engaging sustainability contexts. This topic web suggests classroom activities linked to sustainable sources of electricity and monitoring our electricity usage.
Fertilisers and sustainability | 16–18 years
Investigate the rate of hydrolysis of urea and assess your learners’ practical skills, includes extension green chemistry questions on sustainable fertilisers
Teaching observation skills at 11–14
Observation is a key skill for budding chemists. This is how to develop it with your younger students
Microscale neutralisation and precipitation reactions | 11–14 years
Hone your learners’ observation skills with two microscale reactions: neutralising citric acid and creating a lead iodide precipitate
Fossil fuels and global carbon emissions | 14–16 years
Classroom activity where learners explore and debate the issues around fossil fuels, energy and global carbon emissions
Slot sustainable energy into your teaching
Useful tips and activities to link UN sustainable development goal 7 to your lessons on energy, hydrogen, sustainability and esterification
Antibacterial properties of the halogens | 14–18 years
Use this practical to investigate how solutions of the halogens inhibit the growth of bacteria and which is most effective