All Experiment articles – Page 6

  • Lightbulbs

    Electricity from chemicals

    Use various metals, in pairs, and n electrolyte to form a cell. Then observe the formation of ions around the reactive metal, and compare the speed with which they form around the less reactive metal. Includes kit list and safety instructions. 

  • Bubbles image

    The electrolysis of solutions

    Electricity is passed through various solutions and the products are identified. Includes kit list and safety instructions

  • Hydrogen graphic

    The volume of 1 mole of hydrogen gas

    Understand the volume of one mole of hydrogen gas through a magnesium and acid reaction, taking note of the temperature and pressure. Includes kit list and safety instructions. 

  • Conical flask with orange liquid image

    The effect of temperature on reaction rate

    Discover more about collision theory in this practical, where a sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid mixture produce an interesting reaction. Includes kit list and safety instructions. 

  • Beaker image

    The effect of concentration and temperature on reaction rate

    Reaction rate can be altered by many things, in this practical students explore how temperature and concentration effect reaction in an closer look at kinetics. Includes kit list and safety instructions. 

  • Fume cupboard image

    Reacting elements with oxygen

    Different members of the periodic table will exhibit different reactions when exposed to oxygen, often through heating. This practical supports students to understand the diversity of chemicals and their principles.

  • Universal indicator image

    Creating an effervescent universal indicator ‘rainbow’

    This quick practical uses existing chemicals in your learning space, for students to observe the effervescent reaction that causes universal indicator to create a ‘rainbow’ of colour. Kit list and safety instructions included.

  • Magnesium strip image

    The reaction of magnesium with steam

    Plunge a burning magnesium ribbon into the steam above boiling water and allow the hydrogen that is formed to burn – or collect it over water and test it with a lighted spill.

  • Test tube on flame

    Making a reaction tube

    Guide students through this practical to create a reaction tube. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

  • copper sulfate in beaker

    Properties of the transition metals and their compounds

    Student discover the diversity of transition metals in this practical that puts their knowledge of these common elements to the test. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

  • Spilt ink

    Disappearing ink

    Explore the reaction between acids and bases as students create disappearing ink, in this favourite classroom practical.

  • coloured test tubes

    Testing salts for anions and cations

    A full range of chemicals will guide students into discovering how to identify the composition of unknown substances. Includes kit list and safry instructions. 

  • CCE13_Rubber band_image3

    Rubber band experiment

    A rubber band, a hairdryer, and a curious mind will see students discover the principles of heat based reactions. Includes kit list and safety instruction.

  • Sea salt crystals

    Chemistry and electricity

    Create coloured writing from acids, alkali, and salt solution, all activated through electrolysis.

  • Scuba diver

    A Cartesian diver

    An old favourite experiment, the Cartesian diver is easy for students to complete. Explore important ideas that build a foundation of knowledge. 

  • Cooking oil image


    Compare the viscosity of thick and thin liquids in this experiment, which gets young learners exploring how viscosity alters the speed of an air bubble through the substances. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

  • Ammonium vanadate in conical flask

    The oxidation states of vanadium

    Introduce your students to the idea that different oxidation states of transition metal ions often have different colours, and that electrode potentials can be used to predict the course of the redox reactions. Includes kit list and safety instructions. 

  • Milk powder image

    Burning milk powder

    Gather a Bunsen burner, and some common powdered milk to help students grasp the ideas of surface area and reaction rates. Includes kit list and safety instructions. 

  • Pink solution in flask

    A visible activated complex

    A simple demonstration of catalysis also introducing the idea of an activated complex and to allow discussion of the mechanism of catalysis. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

  • Foaming reaction beaker image

    Hydrogen peroxide decomposition using different catalysts

    Collect a range of catalysts to explore the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, paying close attention to the varied reaction rates. Includes kit list and safety instructions.