All Group work articles – Page 7
Lesson plan
Transition metal complexes and ligand exchange | 16-18 years
Try this lesson plan for 16–18 year olds to support your students to research transition metal complexes, including shape, naming, bonding and ligand exchange.
Lesson plan
Exploring precipitation reactions using diagrams | 14-16 years
Discover how ions are arranged in precipitation reactions and practise completing ionic equations using this lesson plan with activities for 14–16 year olds.
Lesson plan
Catalysts, rates of reaction and what sank the Kursk | 14-16 years
Use the case of the Kursk submarine to devise an experimental investigation into catalysts’ effects on rate of reaction in this lesson plan for 14–16 year olds.
Lesson plan
Investigating the chemistry of how fireworks work | 14-16 years
Explore the principles behind fireworks and what makes the different colours we see when they go off using this lesson plan with activities for 14–16 year olds.
Lesson plan
Molecules and the possibility of life in outer space | 14-16 years
Explore the molecules found in space as clues to the potential existence of extraterrestrial life, using this lesson plan with activities for 14–16 year olds.
Lesson plan
Why do sediments form layers? | 11-14 years
Explore the layered formation of sedimentary rocks using this lesson plan and set of downloadable activities for 11–14 year olds.
Lesson plan
What is the rock cycle? | 11-14 years
Try this lesson plan and set of downloadable activities to help teach 11-14 year olds about sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks and the rock cycle.
Lesson plan
Conservation of mass in dissolving and precipitation | 11-14 years
Explore what happens during precipitation reactions and when substances dissolve using this lesson plan with downloadable activities for 11–14 year olds.
Lesson plan
Using a survey to learn what shampoos people use | 11-14 years
Collect and analyse data from surveys, exploring differences between subjective and objective data, using this lesson plan with activities for 11–14 year olds.
Lesson plan
What are the effects of acid rain? | 11-14 years
Try this lesson plan for 11–14 year olds to investigate the effects of acid rain on metals and carbonate rocks through field work and an experiment.
Lesson plan
What happens when a substance changes state? | 11-14 years
Use this lesson plan for 11–14 year olds to explore what happens when substances warm, cool, boil or freeze, tackling misconceptions about changes of state.
Lesson plan
Investigating the composition of limestone | 11-14 years
Use this lesson plan for 11–14 year olds to help your students plan, implement and evaluate a practical investigation to determine if all limestone is the same.
Lesson plan
Acids and alkalis: using concept maps | 11–16 years
Help your students consolidate their ideas about acids and alkalis using this lesson plan and set of downloadable activities
Lesson plan
Measuring vitamin C in fruit using titration | 14-16 years
Compare the amount of vitamin C in fruit and juices using titration, and explore conditions affecting vitamin C levels, in this lesson plan for 14–16 year olds.
Lesson plan
What are crystals and how are they structured? | 11-14 years
Discover the regular structure and arrangement of particles in crystalline substances using this lesson plan with activities for 11–14 year olds.
Lesson plan
How do shampoos work? Hair care, acids and bases | 14-16 years
Test shampoos and investigate their ingredients as an application of acid–base chemistry using this lesson plan with practical activities for 14–16 year olds.
Lesson plan
What are hydrogen bonds? | 16-18 years
Help students explore hydrogen bonding and discover where hydrogen bonds are found using this lesson plan with activities for 16–18 year olds.
Lesson plan
What are chemical reactions used for? | 11-14 years
Try this lesson plan for 11–14 year olds to explore how chemical reactions are used to produce energy, make new materials or support biological systems.
Working in groups | Principles of assessment for learning
Tips and strategies to make group work an effective part of lessons as well as a way of actively involving students in their learning.
Lesson plan
Do vitamin pills work? Exploring scientific evidence | 14-16 years
Analyse data about effects of vitamin C and explore how science can give rise to different viewpoints in this lesson plan with activities for 14–16 year olds.