All Group work articles – Page 5
Commercial Skills: Finance
This module asks teams of students to assess the financial impacts of two projects with a chemical background.
Commercial Skills: Project Management
This module asks teams of students to identify the route to market, and produce a ‘project plan’, for a number of potential projects with a chemical background.
Commercial Skills: Market Research
This module asks teams of students to estimate the market value of a number of potential projects with a chemical background.
Commercial Skills: Innovation
This module asks teams of students to evaluate a number of potential projects, with a chemical background, and identify why they might be of potential value.
Commercial Skills: Introduction & Overview
This is an introduction and overview to five Commerical Skills Modules for Chemists. It includes a briefing for students, presentation video, an overview guide and presentation for tutors and market research on employer needs.
Making glue from milk
Try this class practical to prepare a polymer glue from milk using the protein casein. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Odd one out
This activity is fairly synoptic in nature and should encourage a rapid consideration of the range of concepts met in chemistry taught to ages 11–13.
Scientific papers
This book can be used to address aspects of communication skills, or can be run as a complete module. This section focuses on comprehension and problem solving.
Interviews and interviewing
This book can be used to address aspects of communication skills, or can be run as a complete module. This section focuses on interview skills.
Only dust - is there a sign of life?
Discover the link between organic life, and dust, designing an experiment of your own from junk materials. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Gas volume
Calculate the gas volume created through the reaction of metals with acids. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
As sweet as? Detecting aspartame in a table-top sweetener
Use hydrolysis and chromatography to find aspartame in your table-top sweetener. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
SciStarter - citizen science database
The SciStarter website is the place to find, join, and contribute to science through recreational activities and citizen science research projects. Search and browse for your favourite now.
Public Lab - a DIY environmental public science community
Public Lab is a DIY environmental public science community. You can purchase inexpensive kit - such as a build your own spectrometer.
Atmospheric monitoring kits (DIY)
Using the equipment you can build your own atmospheric monitoring station, record and see data from local temperature to nitrogen dioxide levels.
Invention of nylon
Nylon is one of the strongest polymers created by man. What makes it so durable?
Leaded and unleaded petrol
In USA in the 1970s, 200,000 tonnes of lead was added to petrol every year. Now leaded petrol for cars is banned. Discover the dangers of tetraethyl lead in petrol.
Recycling plastics
Video exploring the differences between thermosetting, thermosoftening and partially biodegradable plastics
Plastics and polymers
Plastics are all made in a similar way, but can be manipulated to have very different functions. Discover how their properties are determined.