All RSC Education articles in Non-EiC content – Page 95

  • Tin cans

    A hot dinner from a can

    Thermochemistry and enthalpy are the topics on the menu for this class experiment. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

  • Stopwatch

    A chemical stop-clock – iodine clock reaction

    Get ready to be exact in your timings, and support learners to create an exact timed reaction. Includes kit list and safety instructions. 

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    SciStarter - citizen science database


    The SciStarter website is the place to find, join, and contribute to science through recreational activities and citizen science research projects. Search and browse for your favourite now.

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    On This Day - Jun 22 : International Year of Chemistry Experiment

    128,000 students across the globe took part in the world’s biggest chemistry experiment. Students measured the acidity (pH) and salinity of their local water, and shared their results online. This experiment helped students realise the overall importance of water chemistry.

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    Is the Earth getting warmer?

    This worksheet is intended to introduce the theme of global warming as a controversial scientific issue. Use to initiate a class discussion, find out what the class already know about global warming and if they have any strong views on the subject.

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    Crude oil Su Doku

    In this game, students need to use logic to work out the contents in the blank squares. These puzzles could be used as part of a topic on oil or during revision.

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    Ionic Su Doku

    This activity gives students practice at working out formulae in a problem solving context.

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    Rock Folding

    This activity is designed for students aged 14-16 as an introduction to demonstrate folding and faulting of layers of rock, caused by lateral pressure (linked to plate tectonics).

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    Crystal Sizes

    The activity relates to the process of igneous rock formation by the cooling of magma.  It can be used to illustrate how the rate at which molten rock cools affects the size of the crystals that form within the solid rock – rapid cooling producing small crystals, slower cooling producing larger ones.

  • A close-up photograph of a heap of red cabbages

    Making a pH indicator using red cabbage

    In association with

    Try this class practical to make a pH indicator from red cabbage with your students. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

  • Clay soil field

    Soil science

    In association with

    A collection of information sheets and presentations that look at the nature of soil particles and the nutrient requirements of plants. 

  • Electrode set-up to anodise titanium in a beaker with red crocodile clip holding titanium and black crocodile clip holding wire in an electrolyte solution

    Anodising titanium

    In association with

    Explore how the colour of titanium metal covered with titanium dioxide varies with the thickness of titanium dioxide. 

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    Ri Christmas Lectures® 2012: The Halogens

    A teaching resource on the halogens, supported by video clips from the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures® 2012. Video: The Halogens Displacement Reactions Video: The Halogens - Salt Forming Reactio…

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    Ri Christmas Lectures® 2012: The Noble Gases

    A teaching resource on the noble gases, supported by video clips from the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures® 2012. Video: The Noble Gases - Properties video Video: The Noble Gases - Xenon Applications video

  • RES00001120-L

    Ri Christmas Lectures® 2012: Group 1 Flame Tests

    In association with

    A teaching resource on the group 1 flame tests, supported by video clips based around the Royal Institution 2012 Christmas Lectures® Video: Group 1 flame tests Video: Lithium flame test Video: Sodium Flame Test Video: Potassium ...

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    Should we worry about food additives?


    This is an article about the chemicals used as food additives and E numbers. Many of us may be concerned about what is added to our food, why it is added and whether it can have an effect on our health or behaviour. This article explains why additives are used, ...

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    Should we worry about nanomaterials?

    This is an article about nanomaterials, and the safety concerns that surround their use. This article aims to provide a balanced view of the current debate and evidence.

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    Should we worry about endocrine disruptors?


    This is an informative article about endocrine disruptors, which are chemicals that are often in the news. They are chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA), and phthalates (used in plastics), and they may cause harm by interacting with our hormone system. There has been a great deal of controversy within ...

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    Should we worry about BPA?


    This is an informative article about bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in some plastics that has caused a great deal of controversy. BPA is a suspected endocrine disruptor, which means that it may be able to interfere with our hormone system and thereby cause harm. This article aims to ...

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    On This Day – Aug 08 : Henri Hess was born

    He studied energy changes during chemical reactions, and postulated a method of predicting them – Hess’s Law. This is now routinely used by chemists to make predictions for enthalpy changes.