All Reactions and synthesis articles – Page 8
Exhibition chemistry
Creating copper
Declan Fleming presents a beautiful demonstration with lots of teaching potential
Microorganisms: kitchen science podcasts
Introduce your students to microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi with this short podcast.
Turn up the heat: kitchen science podcasts
Introduce your students to irreversible changes caused by heating with this short podcast.
Mixing and changing: primary science podcasts
Introduce your students to mixing and separating mixtures, and investigating reversible and irreversible changes with this short podcast.
Kitchen chemistry: primary science podcasts
Join Kareena and her superhero friend K-mistry for this short podcast introducing children to irreversible changes
Rot: kitchen science podcasts
Introduce your students to food decomposition due to bacteria with this short podcast.
Types of fireworks
Reverend Ron Lancaster MBE demonstrates some of the different types of fireworks, including rockets, shells and Roman candles.
The nature of science: Concept Cartoons
The nature of science resources try to give students an awareness of science as a changing body of knowledge. This resource uses concept cartoons to help students engage with difficult scientific concepts.
Plastics challenge
Links to Practical Action’s plastics challenge, where students develop products from recycled objects, as a possible way of tackling environmental problems caused by plastic waste.
Irreversible changes: That’s Chemistry!
The ‘irreversible changes- chemical reactions’ chapter from That’s Chemistry! This chapter looks at key ideas and activities that can be used to help students learn how non-reversible changes result in the formation of new materials.
Heating and cooling materials: That’s Chemistry!
The ‘heating and cooling materials’ chapter from That’s Chemistry! This chapter looks at key ideas and activities that can be used to help students learn how the properties of some materials change when they are heated, and that some of these changes are irreversible.
Cracking Chemistry!
Work your way through these fun chemistry practicals developed by National Science & Engineering Week.
Chemistry in your shopping basket
Demonstrate the diversity of chemistry in our day-to-day lives with this collection of experiments. Includes kit list and safety instructions for five practicals
Burning: That’s Chemistry!
The ‘burning’ chapter from That’s Chemistry! This chapter looks at key ideas and activities that can be used to help students learn that when materials are burned new materials are formed, and that this process in not reversible.
Science festivals
This set of handouts can be used to inspire people of all ages to take up chemistry in their own home! Racing raisins, cornflour gloop, erupting volcanoes, reaction times and iron from breakfast cereal are all covered here
Limestone weathering
This activity is designed for students aged 11-14. It can be used to reinforce work on the reactions of carbonates with acids as well as the chemical weathering of rock.
Dibrominated tag helps identify new natural products
New substance allows researchers to find new aldehyde- and ketone-containing natural products
Nitration of methyl benzoate
Synthesise and recrystallize a sample of methyl 3-nitrobenzoate.
Investigating the reaction between manganate(VII) and ethanedioate ions
Use a continuous monitoring method to investigate the redox reaction between potassium manganate(VII) and ethanedioate ions.