All Reactions and synthesis articles – Page 7
Oranges and lemons
Discover the hidden secrets of lemons and oranges with this open experiment, where learners can design their own investigation. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Paracetamol book
This book consists of seven freestanding activities that can be used in a wide range of teaching and learning situations in both academic and vocational courses.
Aspirin book
This book contains eight free-standing activities that can be used singly or as a coherent package in a wide range of teaching and learning situations for both academic and vocational courses.
Molecules against malaria
This medicinal chemistry case study is designed to introduce students to the development of antimalarial 4-aminoquinolines and the early stages of drug discovery and development. It focuses on antimalarial 4-aminoquinolines (4-AQs) and involves an introduction to malaria, its causes, societal impact and the need for new drugs. It then presents ...
Route to fiendishly complex marine molecule cut in half
Shortcut to promising natural product already in Alzheimer’s and HIV trials
Sun shines for iron catalyst to convert carbon dioxide to methane
Step on the road to sustainable fuel production as iron–porphyrin catalyst comes through under mild conditions
Chemical misconceptions II: Changes in chemistry
Explore chemical and physical change in chemistry, explain what each mean, and classify examples of these changes.
Chemical misconceptions II: Reaction mechanisms
Reaction mechanisms are an important part of understanding chemical interactions. This activity helps learners to identify them.
Chemical misconceptions II: Hydrogen fluoride
Explore hydrogen fluoride, discuss its chemical reaction and encourage learners to think about why the reaction takes place.
Chemical misconceptions II: Word equations
Complete study into word equations, and explore acid reactions to metals, alkalis, and carbonates as well as synthetic reactions.
Chemical misconceptions II: Types of chemical reaction
Explore learner’s knowledge on types of chemical reactions, and strengthen their prior skills with an in-depth worksheet.
Chemical misconceptions I: Chemical reactions
Explore chemical reactions, how to describe them, form word equations, and why they occur.
Exhibition chemistry
Easier equilibrium
How bailing buckets can support students’ grasp of Le Chatelier’s principle
Rates and equilibria
This activity demonstrates the links between the topics of rates of reaction and the equilibrium law. It provides students with an explanation of the equilibrium law and helps them explain why Le Chatelier’s principle works for temperature, concentration and pressure.
Clearing the air around smoke formation
Answering the riddle of why unsaturated fuels burn with sooty flames
Designing an organic synthesis
View a summary of how to approach the synthesis of an organic compound, focussing on the construction of key bonds. Follow an example multistep synthesis using standard organic transformations, answering questions along the way. This page is suitable for students beginning organic chemistry. Designing an organic synthesis This page is ...
Exhibition chemistry
Creating copper
Declan Fleming presents a beautiful demonstration with lots of teaching potential