All Resource articles – Page 24
Why do pans stick?
This resource looks at Teflon and its properties. What is Teflon and why does it stop food sticking to the pan?
The structure of ice and water
A worksheet exploring the structural differences between the solid and liquid versions of this most ubiquitous compound.
Should beans be cooked with the lid on or off?
An investigation into whether having the lid on or off affects the colour of green vegetables.
Low sodium salt substitutes
This resource uses a titration method to analyse the chemical composition of Lo-Salt, a reduced sodium salt alternative.
What affects the colour and texture of cooked vegetables?
Practical work and questions about the effect of salt, sodium bicarbonate and calcium ions on the colour and texture of cooked vegetables.
By how much does salt increase the boiling point of water?
This resource explores why salt is always added to the water when cooking.
Is all salt the same?
This resource looks at types of salt and the differences between them.
Use of salt in cooking, part 2
This resource explores why salt is always added to the water when cooking green vegetables.
Use of salt in cooking, part 1
In this activity students devise and carry out experiments to test possible reasons for adding salt when cooking vegetables.
Anecdotes: The Discovery of Buckminsterfullerene
The discovery of buckminsterfullerene, the third allotrope of carbon.
Anecdotes: Thomsons - Discoverers of the electron
The discovery of the electron and the diffraction of an electron beam.
Anecdotes: The murder of Rasputin
The story of the attempted murder of Rasputin and why it didn’t work.
Anecdotes: In the Limelight
The background and chemistry of burning calcium with hydrogen and oxygen to make ‘limelight’.