All Resource articles – Page 79

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    On This Day - Oct 12 : Iron lung respirator

    An iron lung is a cylindrical container, encasing a person’s entire body apart from the head. It regulates air pressure to help a person breathe, and was first used to save the life of a young girl with polio.

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    On This Day - Nov 12 : Water declared a compound

    This revelation was announced to the French Royal Academy of Sciences where the French nobleman performed an experiment using hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). The product of a reaction between these elements was found to be water, which proved its composition.

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    On This Day - Dec 12 : Compounds of californium

    By treating californium (Cf) with steam and hydrochloric acid, Burris Cunningham and James Wallman of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory of the University of California had created californium trichloride, oxychloride, and oxide.

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    On This Day - Apr 11 : Percy Julian was born

    He was a pioneer in pharmacological chemical synthesis. He held over 130 chemical patents including the industrial scale synthesis of the human steroids progesterone and testosterone, and the plant sterols stigmasterol and sitosterol.

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    On This Day - May 11 : Koji Nakanishi was born

    He pioneered the use of spectroscopic and chemical methods to determine the structure of complex natural products. To date, he has determined the structures of over 200 biologically active animal and plant products including ginkgolides, new nucleic acids and antibiotics.

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    On This Day – Jul 11 : Samuel Goudsmit was born

    He introduced the concept of electron spin along with George Eugene Uhlenbeck in 1925. This phenomenon explains many aspects of atomic behaviour that cannot be explained by classical physics.

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    On This Day – Aug 11 : Solar eclipse visible

    This was the first visible total eclipse from the UK since 29th June 1927. Scientists at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory used the eclipse as an opportunity to carry out experiments on radio waves and investigate the composition of the Earth’s ionosphere.

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    On This Day – Sep 11 : Rudolf Schoenheimer died

    He developed the technique of “tagging” molecules with radioactive isotopes. This made it possible to trace the pathways of organic molecules in animals and plants, and revolutionized metabolic studies.

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    On This Day - Nov 11 : Discovery of cosmic rays

    Cosmic rays are particles that bombard the Earth from outside its atmosphere. They were investigated as early as 1911 by Victor Francis Hess, a Nobel laureate in physics, however the name ‘cosmic rays’ was only coined in 1925.

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    On This Day - Dec 11 : Explosion at Buncefield

    Although the accident did not cause any fatalities, the immense scale of the explosion made it Europe’s biggest fire in peacetime.

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    On This Day - Mar 10 : Charles Hatchett died

    He first discovered an element that he named columbium but was later rediscovered by German chemist Heinrich Rose and was named niobium (Nb).

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    On This Day - May 10 : Caesium was discovered

    Caesium (Cs) was discovered in spring waters by Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchoff. Although they were the first to identify the new element, Carl Setterberg was the first to isolate the metal itself.

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    On This Day - Jun 10 : André-Marie Ampère died

    He was the founder of the study of electrodynamics. He described how two wires carrying current either repel or attract one another depending on whether the current flows in the same or opposite direction. The SI unit of current is named in his honour.

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    On This Day – Jul 10 : Onnes made liquid helium

    Helium has the lowest boiling point of the elements at -269 °C, or 4 Kelvin on the absolute temperature scale. It must be cooled down to between 1 and 4 K to exist as a liquid. For this work, Onnes won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1913.

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    On This Day – Sep 10 : DNA fingerprinting

    He identified that every individual has a unique genetic code, so people could be identified by their genetic fingerprints. The technique has since helped to solve crime investigations and allowed the identification of family members in paternity cases.

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    On This Day - Oct 10 : First demo of cyclotron

    The cyclotron is one of the earliest types of particle accelerators, similar to those used by the European Organization for Nuclear Research, also known as CERN. It uses electric and magnetic fields to accelerate charged particles.

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    On This Day - Dec 10 : Alfred Nobel died

    Nobel spent his life devoted to the study of explosives and their safe manufacture. He amassed a great amount of wealth during his career and left the majority in trust to fund the awards now known as Nobel Prizes.

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    On This Day - Mar 09 : Stanley Thompson was born

    He led the Berkeley team, which included Glenn Seaborg, in the discovery of seven new actinide elements: americium (Am), berkelium (Bk), curium (Cm) californium (Cf), einsteinium (Es), fermium (Fm) and mendelevium (Md).

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    On This Day - May 09 : Manfred Eigen was born

    He pioneered new methods, called “relaxation techniques”, for studying extremely fast chemical reactions induced by high-frequency sound waves. Eigen was awarded the 1967 Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Ronald Norrish and George Porter for these methods.

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    On This Day – Sep 09 : Seaborgium discovery

    Seaborg became the first living person to have an element – seaborgium (Sg) – named after him. He shared the 1951 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Edwin McMillan for their discoveries of many transuranium elements.