All Spectrometry articles – Page 4
On This Day - May 28 : Alfred Nier was born
Nier pioneered the development of mass spectrometry. He used the technique to make some major scientific establishments, answering questions such as how old is the earth and what is the composition of the atmosphere around Mars.
The Mole
Judith Gregory: Procter & Gamble
Judith Gregory is a senior perfume chemist at Procter & Gamble. Josh Howgego finds out about her work, career and finely tuned nose
Modern mass spectrometry
Advances in mass spectrometry (MS) technology over the past 30 years have pushed this technique into the hands of biologists and biochemists
Mass spectrometry - the early days
1912, physicist Joseph John (J. J.) Thomson discovers mass spectrometry
Lesson plan
Determining the structure of compounds | 16–18 years
Examine data relating to the structure and complexity of compounds, including mass, infrared and 1H NMR spectra
Build your own spectrophotometer
By designing and building their own visible-light spectrophotometers, students get to grips with the underlying principles of this widely used analytical tool
Analytical chemistry makes the news
University departments traditionally divided chemistry into inorganic, organic and physical subsets, with analytical chemistry sitting somewhere in between. But this is changing. The teaching of analytical chemistry is currently undergoing a renaissance in many universities.
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