All Acids and bases articles – Page 8
The Mole
Trade secrets... Curdling of soya milk
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare asks why soya milk tends to form hundreds of floating lumps when added to coffee
Faces of Chemistry – Reckitt Benckiser: Gaviscon
Go behind the scenes of the Research and Development department that created Gaviscon.
Exhibition chemistry
Beyond the ‘blue bottle’
Using indigo carmine to produce a range of stunning colours
Acids and alkalis: problem solving challenges
Develop students understanding of acids and alkalis as well as developing thinking and research skills
Exhibition chemistry
Balls of fire!
Another spectacular demonstration of the dehydrating properties of acid
The duck pond problem
Learn more about how humans can affect the environment, and how chemistry can be used to help it in this practical. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Technician in trouble! What solutions are which?
Investigate different chemical solutions with this experiment that explore reactions of acids and alkalis, as well as neutralisation. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Making your own indicator
Explore acids, alkalis, and dyes with this classroom practical. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Lift Oxo cubes to dizzy heights
Explore how creating carbon dioxide from reactions can be harnessed to lift objects in this classroom experiment.
Indicator puzzle
Discover the pH of different solutions by using plant based natural dyes in this practical. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Funny felt pens
Find out how colour changing pens work in this practical into acids and alkalis in inks. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Colour creation
Blue and red make purple, but what makes blue? Discover how acids and alkalis indicate with different colours in this practical. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Building a chemically powered boat
Put junk material to good use, and create a gas powered boat, to explore CO2 production. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Textile conservation
Anita Quye explains how to look after fragile fabrics for future generations
Paper conservation
History is written on paper and chemistry is at the heart of paper conservation
The Mole
Using chemistry to turn ‘water’ into ‘wine’
Learn how iron(III) oxide and potassium thiocyanate can be used to turn ‘water’ into ‘wine’, and try a similar experiment yourself using household ingredients.
On This Day - Feb 22 : Johannes Brønsted was born
Brønsted developed an identical definition of acids and bases simultaneously but independently from English chemist Thomas Lowry in 1923. Acids are recognised by an excess of H+ ions, and bases have an excess of OH- ions.
On This Day - Nov 17 : Nicolas Lemery was born
His research focus was in the area of acid-base chemistry, but he also prepared a comprehensive dictionary of pharmaceuticals and wrote a chemistry textbook Cours de chymie (1675) that had 31 editions by 1756!
On This Day - Jan 09 : Søren Sørensen was born
He developed the pH scale (which ranges from 0-14) at the Carlsberg Laboratory in Denmark. This was the first time that the negative logarithm of proton (H+) concentration was used as a measure of acidity.
Microscale chemistry revisited
Microscale techniques are unlikely to replace our traditional approach to chemistry education, but they do provide an extra dimension to our teaching strategies