All Active learning articles
How best to engage students in group work
Use evidence-based research to help students get the most out of group work
Escape the classroom: and revise chemistry knowledge
Challenge your students to break out of the lab and prepare for exams
Playful learning improves outcomes
Discover why this approach engages secondary learners, supports their well-being and improves performance
Combatting plastic pollution in class
Bring the fight against plastic pollution to your classroom with these hands-on resources from Common Seas
Teaching secondary chemistry, 3rd edition
From misconceptions to maths, this book is an essential resource
Play card games to teach electronic configuration and ionic compound formation
How a game-based approach can improve your students’ understanding and recognition – and reduce assessment anxiety
Should we let students write on tables?
Use this handy technique to effectively engage disinterested learners
Improve learning with cognitive science
Cognitive science promises to help us understand the human mind and, crucially for teachers, how it learns. It could improve your day-to-day teaching. Now there’s a thought …
The fast guide to enquiry-based learning
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about EBL and how to incorporate it into your chemistry lessons
Materials chemistry
Peter Banks reviews an online CPD course from the Royal Society of Chemistry
Community or clique?
Charles Harrison implores us to welcome new blood and ideas into the chemistry education community
Service learning and environmental chemistry: relevant connections
Solving real-world problems
Inquiry-based learning for multidisciplinary programs: a conceptual and practical resource for educators
Integrating IBL into the curricula