All Classroom management articles
Why detentions don’t work
Attention rather than detention is the way to foster positive behaviour in students
Does rewarding good behaviour deserve a gold star?
Using commendations to encourage positive behaviour can have an impact beyond the chemistry classroom
How best to engage students in group work
Use evidence-based research to help students get the most out of group work
How to teach combustion and oxidation at 11–14
Use these 5 tried-and-tested tips to teach combustion safely and effectivelyÂ
Successfully stop disruptive behaviour in its tracks
Use these tips to achieve subtle but effective behaviour management when students are pushing the boundaries
Overcome tricky classroom scenarios with handy phrases
Be ready to face any teaching challenge with these effective teacher-tested phrases
How to guarantee student participation and recall
Use this teacher-tested questioning and rehearsal strategy to ensure fully engaged learners
Improve students’ recall with stories
Engage learners with science through stories – and improve their recall
7 ways to motivate your students
Use these solid strategies to grow student motivation and success
4 ways to boost behaviour management
Use these tips to improve student behaviour and attainment – collaboratively and consistently
Set your students up for success
Use these simple steps to better understand and meet individual students’ needs
Managing behaviour beyond the classroom
Use these simple tips outside class to engage students and ensure your lessons run smoothly in class
Targeted strategies to support good classroom behaviour
Tackle potential behaviour challenges in your chemistry classroom before they arise
Make the most of practical work
How to use reverse storyboarding and lab roles to optimise practicals
Establish good learning behaviours in the science lab
Discover how to move from reactive to proactive behaviour management
Everything you need to succeed in your first year of teaching
From setting up your classroom to planning lessons via emergency snacks, this is how to prepare
The challenges of managing behaviour in the chemistry lab
Take a look at the humorous side of everyday chemistry classroom shenanigans
6 steps to successful science lab groups
Improve students’ behaviour and teamwork, and see them take pride in their chemistry practicals
Never lose a pen again
Students borrow your pens and don’t return them? Trade your stationery for more exciting items