All Ecology articles
How science can make burial, cremation and memorial greener
Does alkaline hydrolysis offer a more sustainable approach?
The chemistry behind leaves changing colour and falling from trees
Discover what causes the seasonal shift in foliage and how to use this as context when teaching colour changes
Alternatives to agrochemicals
Find out how developments in pest control will secure future food production
How do fireflies produce light?
Find out how fireflies and other creatures use bioluminescence
Brilliant buffers
Use this infographic with your 16–18 students to develop their understanding of pH and buffers
Reciprocal reading task: agriculture and ammonia | 14–16 years
Provide context and help build cultural and science capital, while improving learners’ reading skills
Sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems
From synthesising ammonia to keeping your school laboratory green, here’s how to link UN Sustainable development goal 15 to your teaching
Add ocean acidification to your existing lessons
Use these tips to link UN sustainable development goal 14 to your lessons on dissolved ions, acids and the pH scale
How to teach the carbon cycle at 11–14
Ensure your students have a firm understanding of the chemistry behind climate change
Reef-safe sunscreens
Nina Notman investigates the science behind UV-absorbing sunscreens and ‘reef-friendly’ formulations
The massive problem of microplastics
As plastics fill up and pollute our oceans, recognising their value rather than thinking of them as disposable could help us deal with what has turned into a large, global problem
Hairy plants aid oil-absorbing material design
Leaves of weed could even be used to mop-up slicks
Magnificent molecules
Jen Newton finds the active molecule in electric daisies is not to her taste
The Stone Age: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic the stone age. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
World War II: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic World War II. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
An Dà rna Cogadh: lìontan nam beachdan saidheans
Lìon nam beachdan mollaichte airson ceangal a dhèanamh eadar saidheans agus cuspair An Dà rna Cogadh. Faodaidh tu eachdraidh agus saidheans ionnsachadh còmhla le gnìomhachasan airson buidhnean de dh’aoisean diofraichte
The impossible water sensor
Hundreds of different chemicals can ruin our water, so measuring their levels is vital. Josh Howgego investigates whether building sensors that can do the job cheaply and remotely will ever be possible