All Education research articles – Page 2
Drawing to embed complex chemical concepts
Discover how drawing diagrams can help boost student understanding
Is every substance a molecule?
Use this to help chemistry students accurately apply covalent bonding models
Boost scientific inquiry skills with strategies for reading and reflection
Tips to help students effectively design experiments and form researchable questions
Improve students’ understanding of stereoisomers with these evidence-based ideas
Discover three effective methods to help your students understand molecular rotations
Play card games to teach electronic configuration and ionic compound formation
How a game-based approach can improve your students’ understanding and recognition – and reduce assessment anxiety
Ensure chemistry students get the most out of practical work
Top tips from research to improve understanding and collaboration in practicals
Improve students’ scientific literacy through inquiry
Tips to develop students’ experimental design skills without the need for practical chemistry
What curriculum reform means for you and your chemistry students
Chemistry teachers welcome science curriculum development
Support students to make sense of models
How your subject knowledge and teaching knowledge combine to transform students’ understanding
Tweak your questions to improve students’ problem-solving skills
How changing the format of practice questions can improve learners’ skills
‘Students have to learn how to problem-solve by doing well-designed chemistry experiments’
Meet Michael Seery, an education researcher striving to improve the university experience for chemistry undergraduates
Boost confidence in STEM
Discover how writing tasks can stimulate learning and boost confidence
Mechanistic reasoning in the chemistry classroom
Do teachers need to rethink their explanations depending on their teaching context?
How to apply pedagogical knowledge effectively
Develop your PCK to help students grasp and apply subject knowledge
Same molecule, different representations
Chemistry is full of varied representations. How do we help our students identify the information encoded within them?
When things go wrong in the classroom, a video can help
Practical demo gone wrong in the chemistry lab? Here’s how to save the day
Help students transition from primary to secondary
It’s tough growing into a new identity as a secondary school student. Here’s how teachers can help ease the transformation
Do our students suffer from chemophobia?
How your teaching can equip students to recognise and ward off misinformation
Improve learning with cognitive science
Cognitive science promises to help us understand the human mind and, crucially for teachers, how it learns. It could improve your day-to-day teaching. Now there’s a thought …