All Life articles – Page 2
How can hardness in water be removed?
Investigate the effects of three treatments for softening hard water in this class practical and demonstration. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
The Mole
Chemistry is like... a game of football
Whatever the predictions, you won’t know for sure until the final whistle, says Tom Husband
Aroma chemistry infographics
A collection of visually stimulating and informative infographics about the chemistry of smells, which would make a valuable addition to any science classroom.
Free Range Chemistry: Part 1
Short videos of exciting demonstrations of the chemistry of everyday materials, taken from a lecture by Peter Wothers at the University of Cambridge. Video: Free Range Chemistry: 01 - Everything is Chemical Video: Free Range Chemistry: 02 - Coffee - Delicious Chemicals ...
NBC Learn: Chemistry Now
This resource includes both videos and worksheets. The website makes links to everyday contexts in which chemistry is important. This material would provide enrichment to lessons using contemporary chemical examples.
Proteins building set
The Proteins building set may not be as versatile as Lego, but it can be used to build some magnificent and real structures
Faces of Chemistry – Women in Chemistry
Follow the adventures of eight leading women in chemistry and celebrate the common element that catalysed their journeys: a life-changing, chance-taking, thrill-seeking love of science.
Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysis: A New Kind of Water Treatment
Part of a series of resources investigating how using titanium dioxide as a photocatalyst can help to create cleaner water using sunlight.
The Mole
What is vitamin C and how can we test for it?
Find out about vitamin C or ascorbic acid and try a short experiment to test for its presence using iodine in this article from our ‘Avogadro’s lab’ series.
Molybdenum and evolution
Recent discoveries indicate that our atmosphere was not always oxygen rich - molybdenum could have been the limiting factor in the evolution of life on earth
GM foods - addressing public concerns
Genetically modified (GM) foods continue to generate media attention and concern among the public. How can analytical chemists help consumers make informed choices
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