All Matter articles – Page 9
‘Recycle shipwrecked cargo’ demands group
Recycle, reuse and rediscover with this shipwreck themed experiment. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Is the secretary guilty? | 14–16 years
In this practical, your learners become chemical detectives by carrying out an investigation using separation techniques
Fight fire! Fill up with foam | 11–14 years
How do firefighters do it? That’s the question your learners will explore in this investigation into carbon dioxide foam
Bigger and better bubbles
Perfect for young learners, or older, this experiment shows off the science of surface tension. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
The Mole
Trade secrets... How to make a printed circuit board
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare explores the chemistry behind your favourite gadgets
On This Day - Nov 10 : Ernst Otto Fischer was born
He was the co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1973 for determining the structure of ferrocene (Fe(C5H5)2), a single iron (Fe) atom sandwiched between two five-sided carbon rings. There are many analogues of ferrocene, which together have led to the rapid growth of organometallic chemistry.
On This Day - Jun 06 : Richard Smalley was born
Smalley shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Robert Curl Jr. and Harold Kroto for the discovery of the fullerenes. These are forms of carbon that are either spherical (buckminsterfullerene), tubular (carbon nanotubes) or planar (graphene).
On This Day - Nov 30 : Smithson Tennant was born
He discovered iridium (Ir) and osmium (Os), the latter named for the unpleasant odour of some of its compounds (from the Greek word ‘osme’ meaning odour). He also proved that diamonds are pure carbon.
On This Day - Dec 19 : Thomas Andrews was born
He received the Royal Medal from the Royal Society in 1844 for his Philosophical Transactions paper on “the thermal changes accompanying basic substitutions” that had been published earlier in the same year.
On This Day - Nov 14: First fullerene discovered
The new forms of the element carbon (C) were discovered by Robert Curl, Richard E. Smalley and Sir Harold W. Kroto. This opened up a new field of chemistry with applications including nanotechnology. They were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996 for this work.
The Mole
100 years of superconductivity
Superconductivity was discovered in 1911, Deirdre Black looks back
Protecting chemical innovations
Researchers can protect their chemical inventions from competitors with patents but this is a long and complex process which needs expert guidance
Lesson plan
Reacting iron and sulfur to explore compounds | 11-14 years
Investigate the reaction between iron and sulfur and practise modelling chemical changes in this lesson plan with activities for 11–14 year olds.