All Organic chemistry articles – Page 9
Microscale preparation of ethyl benzoate
Try this class practical to prepare the ester ethyl benzoate on a microscale by warming ethanol and benzoic acid. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Layer by layer
Andrew Turley investigates a build-it-yourself 3D printer you can use in your classroom
A microscale oxidation of alcohols
Use this practical to investigate the oxidation reactions of various alcohols with acidified potassium dichromate. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Making esters from alcohols and acids
Investigate the reactions between a range of alcohols and acids by producing a variety of esters in this class experiment. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Chemistry stinks - class smelling activity
This class practical introduces concepts of chemistry and smell. A number of common chemicals with distinctive smells have been chosen to help students get their nose around different functionalities in chemistry. This is done via a series of solutions, which can be smelled using smelling sticks.
Molymod sets
These popular molecular modelling sets can be used to make many different molecules. This makes them ideal for use by students, educators and researchers. Follow the links below buy the sets in our online shop. If you’re a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, you’re entitled to a 35% ...
The acidic reactions of ethanoic acid
Explore the properties of ethanoic acid as a weak organic acid in this class experiment. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
The conversion of alcohols to halogenoalkanes
Try this practical or demonstration to produce bromoethane in a substitution reaction between ethanol and phosphorus tribromide. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Cracking hydrocarbons on a microscale
Use this microscale experiment to illustrate hydrocarbon cracking using paraffin, bromine water and aluminium oxide. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Microscale oxidation of cyclohexanol by potassium dichromate(VI)
Use this quick class experiment to observe the oxidation of cyclohexanol to produce cyclohexanone. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
A test to distinguish between ethanol and methanol
A class practical to distinguish between methanol and ethanol using the iodoform reaction. Includes kit list, safety instructions, procedure and teaching notes.
Sulfuric acid as a dehydrating agent
Try these two demonstrations to illustrate the difference between dehydration and drying using sulfuric acid. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Purely inorganic aromatic ion synthesised
Aromatic anion made from nitrogen and phosphorus synthesised
The properties of alcohols
Ethanol and propan-1-ol are tested for pH, reaction with sodium, combustion and oxidation with acidified dichromate(VI) solution. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Silver and lead halides
Try this practical or demonstration to produce silver and lead halides in a series of precipitation reactions. Includes kit list and safety instructions.
Organic reaction maps
This activity encourages the use of mind maps to organise information. It also highlights where oxidation and reduction are involved in transformations between functional groups.
Odd one out (organic)
This activity should encourage a rapid consideration of the range of concepts met in organic chemistry.
Formal charge
This activity introduces formal charge – a useful tool which otherwise might not be taught. The formal charge model treats bonds as pure covalent, in contrast to the oxidation state model which treats bonds as ionic.
Curly arrows and stereoselectivity
This activity develops the use of curly arrows. If you have some very able students in a group, then there is an opportunity for differentiation by giving them a chance to draw curly arrow mechanisms for whatever reactions they meet.