Practical chemistry for NQTs

Classroom resources featuring activities from our Practical chemistry for NQTs professional development course for teachers

This collection of classroom resources features activities from our Practical chemistry for NQTs course for teachers, from our Teaching Chemistry series. This collection is most valuable to those who have attended this course and wish to put into practice with their students some of the ideas and activities presented as part of that event. Please note that this list is not exhaustive; not all trainer activities have a corresponding classroom resource. In some circumstances there is variation between the training resource and classroom resource.

An illustration with red and blue circles representing particles of two gases mixing

Diffusion of gases and relative molecular mass

Try this class practical to explore the diffusion of gases and how relative molecular mass affects rate of diffusion. Includes kit list and safety instructions.


Black box

Classroom activities to help develop ideas and evidence in science, as part of scientific enquiry. Includes black box investigations: tricky tracks, the cube and a model tube. 

A sample of solid yellow lead iodide on a glass dish against a white background

A solid–solid reaction between lead nitrate and potassium iodide

In association with

Use this demonstration with kit list and safety instructions to prove that two solids can react together, making lead iodide from lead nitrate and potassium iodide.

A picture showing molecular models built out of plasticine and cotton buds

Reasons to craft your own molecular models

And how to get the most out of them

An image showing a triangle on which two of the sides are made out of stairs; on the top of a triangle there is a fire, on the bottom left, a chemical reaction represented by space filling models is filled, and on the bottom right, the chemical reaction o

Develop deeper understanding with models

How to bridge the gap between the ‘seen’ science and the ‘unseen’ explanation

An image showing a teacher surrounded by students, sitting inside a structure that resembles the structure of a 5-membered ring

How to teach scientific models

Be explicit when explaining models and their purpose

An image showing a male teacher holding a piece of paper with the structure of methane on it, a methane ball and stick molecular model, and thinking about an alternative model view; the blackboard behind shows the chemical formula of methane

Reflect on your use of models

Use scientific models effectively

Students and teacher using computers

Un-muddling models

How to use models in the classroom more effectively


The atom detectives

This resource presents chemists as real people and not stereotypical ‘mad scientists’ whose lives are completely dominated by science.

Ammonia tank

Diffusion of gases: ammonia and hydrogen chloride

In association with

A demonstration to show the diffusion of gases, using ammonia solution and hydrochloric acid. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

Bromine hazard image

Diffusion of gases – a safer alternative to bromine

Diffusing gases can be a tricky thing to do, but by creating an alternative to bromine, you can make a safer classroom alternative for this process. Kit list and safety instructions included. 

An image of a yellow substance dissolving and diffusing in a clear liquid

Diffusion in liquids

In association with

Demonstrate that diffusion takes place in liquids in this practical using lead nitrate and potassium iodide. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

A 3D rendered illustration of dark and light blue spheres or bubbles against a turquoise background

Generating, collecting and testing gases

In association with

Read our standard guidance on generating, collecting and testing gases during practical experiments, including carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen and chlorine.

Large plastic water bottle required for whoosh bottle demonstration.

The ‘whoosh’ bottle demonstration

In association with

This exciting demonstration is a combustion reaction where a mixture of alcohol and air in a large bottle is ignited. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

Methane bottle image

The methane rocket

Ignite methane with oxygen in a bottle, and amaze students with this methane rocket. Contains kit list and safety instructions.

A photograph of a glass beaker containing a liquid, with a gas visibly rising from the top

Endothermic solid–solid reactions

In association with

Observe an endothermic reaction between two solids in this demonstration or class experiment. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

A purple-red flame against a black background

A spontaneous exothermic reaction

In association with

Illustrate the reaction between glycerol and potassium manganate(VII) to produce flames and steam in this demonstration. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

Molten metal in crucible image

Competition for oxygen | reacting metals with oxides

Explore the reactions of metals when exposed to the oxide of another metal. When reactions like these occur, the two metals compete for the oxygen. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

A photograph showing a highly exothermic thermite explosion against a black background

The thermite reaction between aluminium and iron(III) oxide

In association with

Illustrate a highly exothermic thermite reaction resulting in molten iron in this teacher demonstration. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

A macro photograph of the head of an unlit matchstick

Extraction of iron on a match head

In association with

Try this practical as a small scale example of metal extraction, reducing iron(III) oxide with carbon on a match head. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

A photograph showing the outside of an industrial furnace and heat exchanger, used in the cracking of hydrocarbons

Cracking hydrocarbons in liquid paraffin with a catalyst

In association with

Model the industrial process of cracking larger hydrocarbons to produce smaller alkanes in this demonstration or class practical. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

A close-up enhanced image of a soap bubble against a black background

Exploding bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen

In association with

Create a small explosion in this demonstration by electrolysing water to produce hydrogen and oxygen bubbles. Includes kit list, video and safety instructions.

Limestone quarry

Limestone Chemistry

This activity is most appropriate for students aged 14-16 to illustrate chemical reactions and useful materials made from rocks.


Anecdotes: In the Limelight

The background and chemistry of burning calcium with hydrogen and oxygen to make ‘limelight’.


Universal indicator ‘rainbow’

In association with

Try this demonstration to create a rainbow effect using universal indicator, hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

Chromatography spread image

Neutralisation circles

Support students to explore neutralisation circles in this experiment that can be performed with common chemistry classroom equipment. Kit list and safety instructions included. 

Sublimation index image

The sublimation of air freshener | 11–14 years

In association with , By

Use this experiment to demonstrate sublimation, showing how solid air freshener changes directly from a solid to a gas. Includes kit list and safety instructions.