All Teaching articles
Students’ difficulties with stoichiometry | Beyond appearances
Go beyond apperances and clarify the difficulties that students have around “the mole concept”.
Students’ thinking about acids, bases and neutralisation | Beyond appearances
Move beyond appearances and support learners to identify the key misconceptions around acids and bases among secondary aged students.
Students’ ideas about chemical bonding | Beyond appearances
Move beyond appearances to develop students ideas around chemical bonding
Students’ ideas about thermodynamics | Beyond appearances
Go beyond appearances and help learner to understand the thermodynamic reaction from chemical bonds.
Discussion | Beyond appearances
Engage in the discussion around going beyond appearances and think about your own approach to the chemical world.
Students’ ideas about open system chemical events | Beyond appearances
Go beyond appearances to explore open system chemical events, and the key difficulties students have with them.
Students’ ideas about chemical equilibria | Beyond appearances
Go beyond appearances to help support students ideas around chemical equilibria
Introducing “chemical reactions” | Beyond appearances
Move beyond appearances and introduce chemical reactions to learners, helping them to distinguish between chemical change, and change of state.
Students’ ideas about the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures | Beyond appearances
Differences between elements, compounds and mixtures form the basis for understanding chemical reactions, explore how students gain these ideas.
Students’ ideas about specific chemical events: closed system reactions | Beyond appearances
Move beyond appearances to understand the relative densities of matter and particle theory.
Students’ ideas about changes of state | Beyond appearances
Changes in state need changes in thinking to be understood, explore how to support learners to develop a new way of seeing state changes
Students’ ideas about the particulate nature of matter | Beyond appearances
Move beyond appearances to discover how young learners form ideas about the particulate nature of matter.
States of matter | Beyond appearances
Go beyond appearances, and discover the way in which children understand the states of matter.
Here comes the summer
We think a lot about what students forget over the summer break, but what about teachers?
Classroom questions: Reducing teacher talk, beating NQT exhaustion and boosting test performance
Experts answer questions about reducing teacher talk, NQT exhaustion and helping pupils whose test performance doesn’t match their classroom understanding
How to sell your subject to your students
Why teachers should think of themselves as salespeople
Part-time work, full-time life
Should schools be more open to recruiting part-time science teachers?
Three tips for teaching outside your subject specialism
Found yourself lost in the wilds of a new discipline? Don’t panic!
‘I do tend to say yes ... ’
We ask John Holman how writing a textbook snowballed into invites to work on the national curriculum, a national education research centre, and more