All Teaching articles – Page 4
Talk for primary science
Explore ways you can encourage constructive conversations and lead children to investigative activities.
Students will learn more if they're interested
Neil Monteiro argues for engendering an interest in science in our students
What makes a good teaching resource?
Teachers rely on the quality of their resources every day. Stephen Hessey explores what makes a good resource
Why I became a teacher
Rosie Coates, an RSC teacher scholar, talks about how a career in science communication led her into teaching
Assessment for Learning online course
Neil Goalby investigates hinge-point questions and formative assessment to develop pupil learning
Chemical misconceptions
Discover classroom strategies and activities to tackle common misconceptions among students in chemistry, and explore the theory behind different approaches.
Worked examples for assisting student learning
Michael Seery works through some worked examples
How to avoid cognitive overload in the classroom
Once we identify the problems caused by cognitive overload, we need to tackle its causes in our classrooms and labs.
The curse of knowledge
Tom Wilson looks at how cognitive overload puts up a roadblock to learning
Is a conceptual understanding of maths vital for chemistry?
Michael Grove and Samantha Pugh explore the ‘mathematics problem’ faced by chemistry students
A postcard from Birmingham
'Excellence in science education' – a look at the ASE annual conference